This chapter presents the discussion on the background of the study, statement of the problems, objective of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study, assumption of the study, hypothesis of the study, and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Problem
There are many languages used as a means of communication by people all over the world. One of them is English, it has a role as an international language. It is known as the first foreign language taught in Indonesia. It is started from Elementary School up to University, because it is important for developing the science.
Many students in Indonesia do not like English. They get difficulties, boredom and confusing in learning it. English teacher should be able to motivate the learners in learning this foreign language. Harmer (1993: 3) states motivation means a kind of drive that encourages somebody to pursue a course action. It should be done by every English teacher in order that the students are interested to learn this language. English teacher must be able to manage the teaching by using certain method in the teaching-learning process, so that the students will like it without boring and despair.
Community Language Learning (CLL) as one kind of method in language learning, “The learners become members of a community – their fellow learners and the teacher to learn through interaction with members of the community. Learning is not viewed as an individual accomplishment but as something that is achieved collaboratively. Learners are expected to listen attentively to the teacher, to freely provide meanings they wish to express, to repeat target utterance without hesitation, to support fellow members of the community, to report deep inner feelings of frustrations as well as joy and pleasure, and to become counselors to other learners” (Curan in Richard, at.all, 1986: 120)
In learning English there are four skills which are necessary to be mastered by the learners. Those skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Referring to the title, the writer limits the explanation to the speaking. Speaking skill is very important skill that must be mastered by every language learners, because one is called mastering a language when he/she is able to communicate the language they learn. In order to master this skill, a teacher as an educator has to use a good method in teaching learning process. In this case, the researcher concerns to “the effectiveness of CLL toward students’ speaking ability for the eight year students of SMPN 1 Suralaga” because CLL has not been practiced in the field by most English teachers.
1.2 Statement of Problem
Based on the background of the study, the research problem can be formulated as follows:
- To what extent is the achievement of the speaking ability for the eight year students of SMPN 1 Suralaga in the school year 2007/2008?
- To what extent is the effect of CLL towards students’ speaking ability for the eight year students of SMPN 1 Suralaga in the school year 2007-2008?
1.3 Objective of the Study
Based on the research statement, this particular study aimed at finding out:
- The achievement of the speaking ability for the eight year students.
- The effectiveness of CLL toward students speaking ability for the eight years students of SMPN 1 Suralaga in the school year 2007/2008.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The result of the study is expected to be used theoretically and practically:
- Theoretically
a. The result of this study is expected to be able to widen the skill of teachers in using CLL in order to improve student’s speaking ability.
b. As a reference to other researchers who want to study CLL more intensively in teaching speaking.
- Practically
a. The result of this study is suggested to apply the Community Language Learning (CLL) to increase the students’ competence in English speaking ability.
b. The use of CLL in speaking can make the students are more enjoyable in doing their tasks associated with the speaking materials.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study
The scopes of the study are limited to the subject and object investigated.
- Subject
The subject of this study is the eight year students of SMPN 1 Suralaga in the school year 2007/2008.
- Object
The object of this study is the effect of Community Language Learning (CLL) towards students speaking ability.
1.6 Assumption of the Study
- Students have the same background of learning English.
- In teaching speaking, there are many various efforts have been used by the teacher to increase the students’ motivation.
1.7 Hypothesis of the Study
A hypothesis is a statement of the research assumption about the relationship between two variables that the researcher plans to test within the framework of the researcher study (Kumar, 1993: 9).
From the above opinion, the researcher hypothesize that CLL is effective toward students’ speaking ability at eight year students of SMPN 1 Suralaga.
1.8 Definition of Key Terms
In order to clarify the key terms used in this study, some definitions are put forward.
- Effect
A change produced by an action or a course.
- Community Language Learning
Community Language Learning (CLL) is the name of method that represents the use of counseling-learning theory to teach language.
- Speaking Ability
Speaking ability refers to the skill of the students to communicate or say anything orally in transferring their ideas by using English and which is emphasized on the students’ skill to use the target language effectively and appropriately in communication.
This chapter presents about some related information topic of the recent study. It is intended to provide some theoretical concepts which could support this investigation. The discussion is presented under the following sub headings:
1) A brief account on language teaching-learning in CLL theory, 2) community language learning, 3) speaking ability, 4) relevant of the study, and 5) theoretical framework.
2.1 A Brief Account on Language Teaching-Learning in CLL Theory
In presenting this sub heading, the writer need to elaborate the theory of language as follows:
“Language is a systematic means of communicating ideas or feeling by the use of conventionalized sign, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meaning” (Webster in Munawar, 2002: 1). People all over the world used language as a means of communication. It is one of the ways of how to express the ideas, feeling and wishes. So, language can be expressed not only by words but also by signs and gestures.
From the above illustration that language is speech, which has its own roles and is used to transfer meaning between individuals. It seems that language gave impetus to the coming up of behavior approach on language teaching, then language teaching emphasis on linguistic system of the target language. So, master on language learning was measured on how well the learners mastery the rules of the target language.
Richard (1986: 12) stated that the teaching of language in the sixteenth to the early of nineteenth century was greatly oriented on the teaching of grammatical points of the language. The teaching activity was dominated by the activity of translating sentences into target language. Therefore, some methods have their own fundamental purpose that is to enable the learners to use target language communicatively, but as they were expanded from different view on language, they had different characteristics, grammar translation method, for instance give more emphasis on the linguistic system of the language, based on the structural view of language which seen language as a system structurally related to elements for coding of meaning, while Community Language Learning (CLL) is based on the view that language is vehicle for realization of interpersonal relation and performance of social transaction between individuals. Then, “the CLL view of learning is contracted with two other types of learning. The first is relative learning viewed that “the intellectual and factual process alone are regarded as that main intent of learning, to the neglect of engagement and involvement of the self”. The second is the behavioral view as “animal learning” in which learners are “passive” and their involvement limited”. Curran (in Richard, et al, 1986: 117)
2.2 Community Language Learning (CLL)
This section discusses two aspects of Community Language Learning consisting of concept of CLL and design of CLL.
2.2.1 Concept of CLL
The community language learning is the name of a method which is oriented on humanistic approach. Another term of Community Language Learning is counseling learning where it is a non-direct therapies approach which is designed to ease the learners in acquiring the target language.
In accordance with the statement above, the writer particularly needs to formulate the example of community language learning takes place in the classroom. A group of learners sit in a circle with the teacher standing outside of the circle, and a students whispers a message in the native language (L1): next, the teacher translates the message of the learners into the foreign language (L2), while, the students repeats the messages in the foreign language into a cassette; students compose further messages in the foreign language with teacher’s help; so students reflect about their feelings and wishes. It means that the client-counselor in psychological counseling have relationship between the learner-knower in community language learning.
Furthermore, community language learning represents the use of counseling-learning theory to teach languages.
2.2.2 Design of CLL
This design of CLL discusses about activities of teaching learning using CLL technique such as: types of learning and teaching activities, learner roles, and teacher roles. Types of Learning and Teaching Activity
In accordance with types of learning and teaching activity, here community language learning involves learning task and activities take place in learning and teaching process as follows:
1. Translation. Learners form a small circle. A learner whispers a message or meaning he or she wants to express, the teacher translates it into the target language, and the learner repeats the teacher’s translation.
2. Group work. Learners may engage in various group tasks, such as small group discussion of a topic, preparing a conversation, preparing a summary of a topic for presentation to other group. Preparing a story that will be presented to the teacher and the rest of the class.
3. Recording. Students record conversations in the target language.
4. Transcription. Students transcribe utterances and conversation they have recorded for practice and analysis of linguistic forms.
5. Analysis. Students analyze and study transcriptions of target language sentence in order to focus on particular lexical usage or on the application of particular grammar rules.
6. Reflection and observation. Learners reflect and report on their experience of the class, as a class or in groups.
7. Listening. Students listen to a monologue by the teacher involving elements they might have elicited or overhear in class interactions.
8. Free conversation. Students engage in free conversation with the teacher or with other learners. Learner Roles
In community language learning, the learners roles as the part of community, their fellow learners and the teacher through interacting with each other and the member of the community. Learners are expected to listen attentively what the counselor advises, provides them a chances freely whatever the meanings they wish to expressed, to repeat target utterance without hesitation, to report deep inner feelings and frustrations and to become counselors to other learner.
Meanwhile, Laforge (in Richard, 1986: 121) stated that there are five stages of Community Language Learning as follows:
1. The learners is like an infant that completely dependent on the counselor for linguistic content. Here the learner repeats utterances made by the teachers in target language and overhears the interchanges between other learners and knower.
2. The child achieves a measure of independence from the parents. In this stage, the learner begins to establish their own self affirmation and dependence by using simple expressions and phrases they have previously heard.
3. The separate existence stage. In this stage, the learners begin to understand others directly in the target language.
4. A kind of adolescence. In this stage, the learners function independently although his or her knowledge of the foreign language is still rudimentary.
5. The independent stage. This last stage explained the learners refine their understanding of register of the vocabulary as well as grammatically correct language use.
Furthermore, learning is a whole person process and the learner at each stage is involved not only in the accomplishment of cognitive (language learning) but also in the solution of affective conflicts and respect for the enactment of values. Teacher Roles
In teaching learning activity, the teachers have significant roles to capture all the learners’ problem and then to solve it well. The teacher (counselor) role is to respond calmly and non-judgmentally, in a supportive manner and help the client try to understand his or her problems better by the applying order and analysis to them.
Concerning with the statement above, (Curran in Richard, at all, 1976: 26) stated that “one of functions of the counseling response is to relate affect… cognition. Understanding the language of ‘feeling’, the counselor replies in the language of cognition”
In the teacher role, he/she operates in supportive roles and providing the target language translation and imitation on request of the clients. Later, interaction may be initiated by the students and the teacher monitors the learners’ utterances, providing assistance when it is requested. So, the students are to be increasingly capable to accept the criticism and the teacher may directly intervene to correct deviants’ utterances, supply idioms and advice on usage of words as well as well usage of grammar.
The rest of the teacher role is particularly responsible for providing safe environment where the students (clients) can learn and grow. To support the above statement, Curran in Richard (1976: 6) describes the importance of a safe environment as follows;
As whole persons, we seem to learn best in an atmosphere of personal security, feeling secure we are freed to approach the learning situation with the attitude of willing openness. Both the learner’s and knower’s level of security determine the psychological tone of the entire learning experience.
Furthermore, teacher have responsibility for creating and maintaining a secure environment to learn in order that the learners can easier to capture knowledge and information given by the teacher during the teaching learning process take place.
2.3 Speaking Ability
2.3.1 The Meaning of Speaking Ability
Speaking ability consists of two words; speaking and ability. “Speaking is the capability to articulate the sound expressing and delivering thought, opinion, and wish”. (Tarigan, 1985: 21). In daily life, speaking is an activity to express thought and feeling orally. It means that, speaking is as the fundamental media to convey messages, knowledge, emotions, feelings, ideas and opinions directly to the others. So, speaking is activity delivering language and communicating ideas, thought orally.
Meanwhile, ability is a power in doing something. Fitness for ability for being improved (Hornby, 1968: 78). This ability is very potential capacity to do something physically or mentally. Therefore, speaking and ability cannot be separated. It is a unity. Furthermore, speaking ability is the capability of human to speak well and right in delivering a message, a whishes, a thought and an opinion.
2.3.2 The Aspect of Speaking Ability
The process of speaking ability used to speak well and right is as what Haryanto (1994: 26) says that “A well speaking must be able to deliver right message and can be understood, familiar, by others or the listeners”.
Referring to the aspect of ability, Tarigan (1985: 42) states that “speaking activity may viewed from appropriateness of utterance, placement of stress, appropriateness of word choice, appropriateness of speaking target”. While, Nurhadi (1987: 23) says that “the aspect of speaking consist of utterance, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, content, and comprehension”
Base on the above opinions, it can be said that aspect of speaking ability is determined by utterance, vocabulary, grammar, content, fluency, comprehension, the appropriate of words choice, familiar, and placement of stress. However, not all of them will described below, but to focus on the problem, the writer limits on the aspects of utterance, vocabulary, grammar and content, and meaning as follow;
a. The Utterance Ability
The utterance ability is one of the important skills in order that the message is acceptable. So, the message must utter clearly. Referring to this statement, Tarigan (1985: 55) says that “the speaking process through discussion, briefing, argumentation, chatting, interview, asking and answering, to utter clearly since the expression of thought which is delivered to audience can be understood. Furthermore, as a good speaker should be able to choose and use words through appropriate sentence, a good intonation and as well as clearly utterance.
b. Vocabulary
Vocabulary can not separate with the words, it can be a messages or an idea. This idea (message) has to convey it through speaking, whereas speaking is an expression of words orally and clearly. In this case, vocabulary should be mastered a lots in order that the communication is developed. Also, the speaker does not merely interact without having a lot of vocabulary. Furthermore, vocabulary is a group of words to make sentence structure in conveying idea or message to the listener.
c. Grammar
Every language has difference grammar. “Grammar is a group of paradigm of structure generally covers the segment of phonology, morphology, and sentence” (Keraf, 1991: 28).
Keraf (1991: 30) states that, “the smallest unit which occurred from sounds, which distinguishing meaning is called grammar”. The expression of appropriate sound is almost determined to comprehend the speaking. It mean that speaking must have sentence structure called grammar, while, the grammar includes phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
The definition of some terms above will not stated because it belongs to linguistic area. Furthermore, well usage grammar will prevent to misunderstanding.
d. Content and Meaning
Content and meaning are important in speaking process. So, the speaker should plan or prepare content before expressing his/her ideas. Dealing with this statement, Tarigan (1985: 45) states that; “the content and meaning in speaking ability can be seen from mistake, competence, clarification, and simplicity what the topic is about”.
The content of speaking must be systematic, logical and attractive. So, it can be said that speaking process where the speaker must be able to speak systematically, logically and attraction in order to the listener understand what the speaker is meant.
2.3.3 The Factor of Speaking Ability
Speaking ability constitutes one of language skills which is derived from learning result. In general, there are two factors of the effect in learning process and learning result namely; internal and external factor. Hasanah in Cahyono (1997: 2) expresses two factors in the following;
a. Internal Factor
Internal factor is an element that effect learning process where this element exists on the learner and it is called entering behavior. There are some components of internal factor such as; (1) physical factor, (2) intelligence factor, (3) emotional factor, and (4) talent. (Purwanto, 1985: 35)
1. Physical factor
Physical condition of people may affect in most his/her activities. For example, fat body may need longer movement then thin body. It means that, physical condition has very important role to capture knowledge and information. It is a place where the knowledge and information is processed. If the physical condition is in compliable, it can not receive knowledge and convey it to the others.
2. Intelligence factor
Intelligence constitutes a unique characteristics possessed by people. It is already exists since the infant was born. However, in its development it can not out from environment because it is one of the factors to shape the intelligence itself. For example, even the students have big potency, but if there is not any supports from his/her environment, the student intelligence is not maximum. It is in line with the above statement, it means that the development of person is determined by the characteristic factors to the person itself, so that this factor has importance roles in the development of their speaking ability.
3. Emotional factor
The happiness, safeness and afraid are kinds of emotions. It can give effect to his/her activities in learning process. The students can do everything enthusiastically as long as he/she feels happy and safe. So, the emotion of the learner is very influent.
b. External Factor
External factor constitutes a factor comes from outside of the learner. Referring to this problem, Paiman (1997: 249) states that “the factors comes from outside of learner are non-social factor and social factor”.
1. Non-social factor
Non-social factor consists of weather, times including morning, afternoon or night, condition of building and instruments used for learning. Those factors are very determined in learning and teaching process.
2. Social factor
Social factor is things accepted or acquired from the community particularly in family environment (Purwanto, 1987: 78). In this case, social development is very complex and related to each other. Most of students learn from out of school, he/she can acquires many things of how behaviors is shaped, how relationship is build up and how to know each other among the others.
So, the social factor is the most importance factor which determined the development of the learners in term of behavior, relationship among the others.
2.3.4 CLL in the teaching of Speaking Ability
There are two factors that support CLL in teaching-learning process, namely student factor and the teacher factor.
a. The Student Factor
1. Size of class
Generally, Indonesia has big classes not only from the Elementary School but also until to the University. But the sample of this study is Junior High School that has at least forty students in number. Sometimes it causes a great problem, especially in teaching a foreign language. For instance, when the speaking ability is to be emphasized, the number of students undergoing the instruction is given and needs a special attention; otherwise the teacher will fail in his teaching.
The teacher does main step in teaching English speaking practice to his/her students. The class is divided into two groups. The first group is given an exercise in spoken English at the same time; the second group is given written an exercise on some pattern. Therefore, the second group must pay attention to the pattern which is repeated by the first group.
2. Composition of class
What the writer means by the composition of class is how the class is made up. The students may be included of these categories; (1) those who learn a language easily. These students have a natural aptitude towards the language. They have talent for learning a language, (2) those of high intelligence who make efforts in speech but respond well to the intellectual sides of the language, (3) those who have little intuition and must be stimulated by using medias, (4) those who have a tendency of wrote mastery, (5) those who don’t respond to ordinary stimulate and need individual attention.
These levels intelligence are in influential on every subject, particularly foreign language learning. In relation to class composition, Morris (1966: 542) stated that, “in school teaching, harmonious progress depends greatly on the composition of class, while this factor is applicable to every subject. It is particularly decisive in foreign language teaching, where speech is major aim.”
3. Attitude
The students may have a bad attitude towards the teacher as well as the subjects. The student who is very weak, for instance, in English is very reluctant to learn subject.
The students may feel excited, happy, confident and adequate or he may feel bored, frustrated, angry and inadequate. For instance, when he gets confused in pattern drill, he may feel frustrated, after having repeated the same sentence a number of items, he may get bored, but when he can express his ideas correctly in English with his fellow students, he may feel excites. He may feel angry and inadequate his mind this way, “English is difficult because it is too difficult to me, I don’t like it, I’m tired of learning it”
On the contrary, the students who experienced excitement during a conversation class, for instance, may express his feeling this way. “I enjoy learning English because it is easy for me…I can communicate with my pen palls in another country in English”. Then consequently, the students’ activity participates in every activities of English class.
4. Discipline
As defined by Hornby (1986: 77) stated that “Discipline is the exercise development and control of the main and character, intended to produce obedience and orderly behavior”.
Teacher ought to make efforts to create a discipline atmosphere by trying to make situation so interesting, where the students have no tendency to do any other activities. So, the students are under the control of the teacher for the beginning of good discipline. The most important thing is the teacher should have the ability to give interest in his subjects. He must capable to create a favorable situation.
b. The Teacher Factor
A teacher plays very important role because he is one of the factors that may determine whether or not the teaching of language is successful.
A teacher should have a lots of practical training, related to the materials is given, because it can make student have interests and understand well. While, the teacher who has high degree qualifications may give successful in the practical things.
Morris (1966: 32) suggested qualifications the teacher should have: (1) general pedagogical training for the purpose of inculcating good working habits, (2) special training in the theory and practice language habits, (3) the possession of a good speaking and reading voice, (4) good hand writing in the script and cursive lettering, (5) ability to sketch.
A qualified teacher should be able to use any method and materials, adapting it as the need for teaching learning process. For instance, if the teacher sees that the dialogues in the textbook are too long to be memorized by the students, he makes alternations concerning with the sentences of the dialogues. And if the dialogues are not in the line with the propose of his teaching he may have dialogues from other source composed by himself.
To prove that the teacher is the most important factor in teaching a foreign language or speaking, the writer quoted what Dr. Jan Carnel Tan in Rahman (2006: 17) stated that;
To achieve any improvement it is essential to have better teachers. He cannot assume that pupil will learn what their teachers never master. One quality of a good teacher is the ability to teach from any good book or bad or even with no book at all. The teacher on other hand can destroy or distort what even merits a good book may have”
Regarding to the teacher as one of the main factors determines the successful of the teaching foreign language. Patteson in Rahman (2006: 17) stated that: “in decided and my colleges have always been completely with on this, which was most necessary to improve the standard of English every where, was simply better teacher”. In addition to the qualification of a good English teacher mentioned above, an English teacher must have a good attitude toward his students. Of course, the learning atmosphere will affectively successful. But, in whatever condition, a teacher of English must be able to overcome inferable situations; otherwise his teaching may result in a failure.
2.4 Relevant of the Study
In this part, the writer states the relevant researches which possible to add the readers view on the effect of using Community Language Learning (CLL) towards speaking ability. In the following statements, actually the writer does not find out yet the same study therefore, there are several studies that have relevant to this study as follows;
First, the study was done by Ahmad Munir (2005). In his study entitled “communication strategies toward students’ speaking ability for the fourth semester students of STKIP HAMZANWADI Selong in academic year 2004-2005. For the study, he took all the fourth semester (103 students) as the population and 39 students as the sample of study. He used the experimental research for his design research. From the research, he found that using the series pictures in speaking ability has the better result. The data obtained from the experimental group and attained good mark than other group. His study has the same aim with the writer that is to find out the effect of community language learning (CLL) technique in teaching speaking ability.
The second study was done by Rahman (2005). It was the effectiveness of community language learning (CLL) through group work. He had taken 235 students as the population and only 20 students as the sample of the study. He found that the effectiveness of community language learning through group work in teaching speaking of second year students of Senior High School (SMA) Muhammadiyah Mataram in academic year 2005-2006. He correlated of the two variables. He has used the experimental research for his design. From the research, he found that using group work technique give the better result. The data obtained is the experimental group.
2.5 Theoretical Framework
In determining theoretical framework, the writer thinks based on the students’ problem in studying English. In teaching learning process, especially in English, many problems and activities faced by the students and the teachers. But, the successful of the students in studying English are mostly determined by themselves inside and outside of the school.
Other problems of face by students are strange to the materials, confuse and uninterested situation when teaching learning process in the classroom. So the teacher’s duty is of how to develop the student’s interest in studying English especially in speaking, because speaking is one of language components that have function to express feelings, opinions, ideas, and emotions. And through CLL as one of the methods can facilitated to teach speaking and it can be able to overcome the failure of students in studying it.
Therefore, the writer thinks that by investigating community language learning in teaching learning process will carry out the teaching learning better, and the achievement of students will be increased especially in speaking ability.
This chapter describes; the research design, population and sample, instrument, technique of data collection, data analysis, and hypothesis testing.
3.1.Research Design
This study was an experimental research, since it described the quantitative degree in which variables were related. It was also reasonable that the writer intended to examine the cause and effect between two variables, community language learning (CLL) and speaking ability. According to Hadi (1988: 56), that an experimental study is one of the precise methods to examine the cause and effect. In this study, the writer prepared or set up community language learning toward speaking ability, for the students who would be examined to answer speaking test. The idea was concerned with the statement of Arikunto (1998: 67) that by using an experimental design, the examiner intentionally revised appearance of the difference and then it was examined how the result was.
This study tried to describe the effect of treatment of two distinctions, community language learning (CLL) and speaking ability thus, the research design was pre-test and post-test. Therefore, the design was called a pre-test and post-test control group design. The study design was adopted from Ary, (2002: 308) as follows:
Independent variable
E = experimental group
C = control group
Y1 = pre-test
X = treatment on the experiment group
Y2 = post-test
This research design presented several characteristics; (1) it had two groups of experimental subjects or treatment group and control group; (2) the two groups compared with respect two measurements of observation on the dependent variable; (3) both groups have been measured twice, the first measurement serve as the pre-test and the second as the post-test; (4) measurement on the dependent variable for both groups had be done at the same time with the same test; and (5) the experimental group manipulated with particular treatment.
3.2.Population and Sample
3.2.1. Population of the Study
Population is the number of people or individual that has at least the same characteristics (Hadi, 1984). In this study, the population of the study included all eight year students of the SMPN 1 Suralaga in the school year 2007/2008. They were four classes and consisted of 160 students. The students were still actively learning English as one of the compulsory subject.
3.2.2. Sample of the Study
Suharsimi (1987) stated that if the subject is less than one hundred it is better to take the entire subject. Furthermore, if the subject is more than one hundred it can be taken between 10-15% or 20-25% or more that it.
The number of accessible population of the study was 160 students. The writer took 25%, and only took 40 as the sample of the study. The sample took randomly from the population. First, each of the four classes had been taken by using lottery and than from the result of the calculation of the four classes sample was drown. This means that IIA consisted of 10 students, IIB consisted of 10 students, IIC consisted of 10 students, IID consisted of 10 students and all of the students were the subject of the study that was 40 students had been taken as the sample of study. To be clearer, population and sample was listed in the following table.
Table 3.1. The population and sample of the study
40 students
40 Students
40 Students
40 Students
10 students
10 students
10 students
10 students
In any scientific research, instrument for collecting data was absolutely important. The accuracy of the result of research mostly depends on how accurate the use instrument was. Before research was carried out the instrument for the data collection should be prepared well.
In the line with the research problem, the writer used oral test as an instrument. In this case, dialogues and retelling series of picture. The test had been given to the sample and the results were gathered as the data of this study.
3.3.1. Validity of Instrument
The validity of a test is the extent to which is measured what it is supposed to measure (Heaton, 1989: 159). The aim of it measured the skill, knowledge, ability, etc. The series of pictures used to stimulate the subject to build their opinion. According to Heaton (1989: 89) the test used must be appropriate in term of our subject, the dependable in the evidence provides, and applicable to our particular situation. The picture comprehensions test in which (1) the picture out; (2) after subjects were read. The writer did oral interview to the subject for 10 minutes; the oral interview always refers to the picture. In scoring value to each subject, the writer using weighting table (Oller, 1979), as follows:
Weighting Table
Proficiency Description
This study aimed at knowing the students’ achievement in speaking, where oral interview was one of the interviews more appropriately used to make the students’ achievement in speaking and achievement in a language. (Nugiantoro, 1995: 229)
The researcher used oral test in this study. The form of the oral test employed with verbal essay. Based on the topic, the writer taught in oral test or speaking, the respondents asked to speak at last five minutes. We graded that the grammar scales received that heaviest weighting followed by vocabulary comprehension, fluency, accent, which received the lowest weighting.
The whole of the kind above test evaluates by researcher as the following comprehension of FSI procedures (Oller, 1979: 293).
§ Pronunciation frequently unintelligible.
§ Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition.
§ Foreign accent requires concentrated listening and pronunciations lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or vocabulary.
§ Marked ‘foreign accent’ and occasional mispronunciations which do not interfere with understanding.
§ No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would not be take for native speaker.
§ Native pronunciation, with no trace of ‘foreign accent’
§ Grammar almost entirely inaccurate except in stock phrases.
§ Constant error showing control of very few major patterns and frequently preventing communication.
§ Frequent error showing some major patterns uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding.
§ Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some patterns but no weakness that cause misunderstanding.
§ Few errors, with no patterns of failure.
§ No more than two errors during the interview.
§ Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest conversation.
§ Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas (time, food, transportation, family, etc).
§ Choice of words some time inaccurate limitation of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common professional and social topics.
§ Professional vocabulary adequate to discusses special interests: general vocabulary permits discussion of any non technical subject with some circumlocutions.
§ Professional vocabulary broad and precise; general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situation.
§ Vocabulary apparently as accurate and extensive as that of an educated native speaker.
§ Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually impossible.
§ Speech is very slow and uneven except for short or routine sentences.
§ Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky: sentences may be left uncompleted.
§ Speech is occasionally hesitant with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and grouping
§ Speech is effortless and smooth, but perceptibly non-native in speech and evenness.
§ Speech on all professional and general topics effortless and smooth as native speakers.
§ Understand too little for simplest type of conversation.
§ Understand only slow, very simple speech on common social and tourist tic topic: requires constant repetition rephrasing.
§ Understanding careful, somewhat simplified speech directed to him, with considerable repetition and rephrasing.
§ Understand quite well normal educated speech directed to him, but requires occasional repetition and rephrasing.
§ Understands everything in normal educated conversation except for very colloquial or low frequency items or exceptionally or slurred speech.
§ Understands everything in both formal and colloquial speech to be expected of an educated native speaker.
Conversation Table of Weighting table
Total Score
(From Weighting Table)
FSI Level
The writer uses test as instrument for collecting data, instrument is a tool to collect the data. Arikunto (1998: 137) states that an instrument was important element to find out the result of research, so the writer had to prepare the instrument.
Test is was set of question or exercise or another test which is used to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, achievement, aptitude of someone or group of people. In this research, the writer used oral test for experimental group and control group.
The above table in horizontal line number 1 to 4 at the top raw was the ability level scale or description of fluency. The speaking skill test consisted of three question where the subject were asked to explain the three answers orally, if they were able to give correct answer, they got mark as mention in the weighting table of FSI procedure.
3.4.Technique of Data Collection
The data of the study were obtained by using a type of test, which used speaking test. In order to get data, the writer administrated the way to collect data as follows: (1) the writer spread out the picture comprehension test to each subject, (2) asking each students about the picture on the test to know their speaking achievement, (3) while the students were answering the test, their answer was recorded.
The writer interrupted or asked the subject if their answers are not related to the test given. Before answering the question, the subjects were given 15 minutes to study the picture and answered in 10 minutes.
3.5.Data Analysis
The technique of data analysis, used here was statistical analysis that was descriptive analysis. Descriptive statistic to determine the data in high, average, and low categories. For the purpose, the following was used:
Mi – 1 SDi – Mi + 3SDi = High
Mi – 3 SDi –
= Average
Mi – 3 SDi –
= Low
3.6.Hypothesis Testing
Even though not all of the investigation require hypothesis, but at least the hypothesis was needed in the investigation. Therefore, hypothesis should be formulated before starting investigation. Ary (2002: 78) process some requirements in formulating hypothesis, such as: (1) hypothesis must be formulated clearly and briefly, (2) hypothesis must indicate obviously about the relationship between two or more variables, and (2) hypothesis must be supported by the theories which are proposed by the experts or based on the relevant investigation.
Hypothesis constituted a temporal answer or a weak answer where the truth remains to be proved, therefore, the hypothesis proposed in this research remained to be proved. However, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) should be changed into null hypothesis first. Arikunto (1998: 68) states that in testing hypothesis Ha must be changed into Ho.
To test the hypothesis, will used T-test with the level of significance 0,05 (5%). The formula used:

N = the sum of the subject
M = the mean score of each group
x = the deviation of each value x2 and x1
y = the deviation of each value y2 and y1
(Arikunto, 1998: 306)
And then, the criteria will be used as follows:
1. If t-test (tt) > t-table (to) in significant rank of 0.05, Ho (null hypothesis) is accepted. It means that the rates of mean score of the experimental group are higher than the control group.
2. If t-test (tt) < t-table (to) in significant rank of 0.05, Ho (the null hypothesis) is rejected. It means that the rates of the means score of the experimental group are lower than the control group.
This chapter presents the result of the investigation, which were based on the data analysis. The writer presents the statistics of the obtained data, which was intended to lead her to come to the findings of this study. Latest on, the discussion is continued to the analysis and interpretation of the finding. The statistical computation covers the calculation of the mean score and the t-test to compare with the significance of the two mean scores.
Before concluding the finding of this study, the writer firstly describes about: (1) description of data analysis, (1.1) the achievement of students’ speaking ability, (1.2) the achievement of CLL toward students’ speaking ability, (1.3) hypothesis testing, and (2) discussion.
4.1 Description of Data Analysis
Based on the data obtained, the lowest score of the students who were in the experimental group was 29, and the highest was 82, while the lowest score of the students who were in the control group was 30, and highest was 75. The calculation has been done from the entire data and the mean (M) obtained was 60,05, and the standard deviation (SD) was 14,77.
To investigate result of CLL toward students’ speaking ability, the writer used statistic descriptive for the categories in which it consists of the ideal maximum score (SMi) was 99, while the minimum scores was 16. So, the ideal mean score (Mi) gained was 57,7 and ideal standard deviation (SDi) was 13,83.
The categories gained after the calculation into the standard categories are as follows:
Mi + 1 SDi to Mi + 3 SDi = High
57,5 + 1 (13,83) to 57,5 + 3 (13,83)
57,5 + 13,83 to 57,5 + 41,49
71,33 to 98,99
Mi – 1 SDi to < Mi + 1 SDi = Average
57,5 – 1 (13,83) to < 57,5 + 1 (13,83)
57,5 – 13,83 to < 57,5 + 13,83
43,67 to < 71,33
Mi – 3 SDi to < Mi – 1 SDi = Low
57,4 – 3 (13,83) to < 57,5 – 1 (13,83)
57,5 – 41,49 to < 57,5 – 13,83
16,01 to < 43,67
However, if the means are viewed from the groups of the sample, it is as shown in the following table:
Manual Statistic
| |
| |||
The mean (M) of speaking ability indicated that the existence of a tendency that the students in experimental group a higher than students who were in control group. The average score of the students in experimental group was 60,05, which was included to the average category. While, the average score of students in control group was 51 and it was included as average category.
4.1.1 The Achievement of Students’ Speaking Ability
The first research question proposed in the statement of the problem is to what extent is the achievement of the speaking ability of the eight year students of SMPN 1 Suralaga in the school year 2007/2008? To answer the question and to achieve the objective of the study, the result of the analysis is presented in appendix 01 and 04 on control group column. The result of the analysis about the students’ achievement in speaking ability before being treated by CLL that the lowest score was 30 whereas the highest score was 75. the mean score was 51 and the standard deviation score was 11,64. Based on the result above, it indicates that the achievement of students’ speaking ability of the eight year students’ of SMPN 1 Suralaga is classified into average category.
4.1.2 The Achievement of CLL Toward Students’ Speaking Ability
The second research questions proposed in the statement of the problem is to what extent is the effect of CLL toward students’ speaking ability for the eight year students of SMPN 1 Suralaga in the school year 2007/2008? To answer the question and to achieve the objective of the study, the result of the study is presented in appendix 02 and 04 on experimental group column. The result of the analysis about students’ achievement after being treated by CLL that the lowest score was 29, the highest was 82. the means score was 60,05 and standard deviation was 14,77. IT is classified in to average category.
4.1.3 Hypothesis Testing
Based on the calculation of t-critical value (appendix 05), the researcher finally found that the result of the t-critical value was 2,10. This t-value then consulted to the t-table at the degree freedom (df) 38 (2,021). Because of df could not found in the table, so the researcher took the nearest to the certain degree of freedom as Arikunto suggested, and t-value was higher than t-table (2,104 > 2,021). This means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which is stated in chapter 1 of this study is accepted, while the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.
4.2 Discussion
Before concluding the result of the study, this part discusses about the final result of the study. There was a big different gained between the ability of students in experimental group than those who were in control group. It can be seen on their mean score. The mean score of the students in experimental group were higher than in control group. It clearly indicated that CLL is significant effect towards students’ speaking ability for the eight year students of SMPN 1 Suralaga in the school year 2007/2008.
This chapter deals with the result of research and discussion based on the data analysis to the effect of CLL toward students’ speaking ability for the eight year students of SMPN 1 Suralaga in the school year 2007/2008.
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the data analysis and the discussion in the previous chapter, the writer finally comes toward the conclusion.
1. From the statistical analysis it is found that the mean score and the standard deviation of experimental groups were higher than control groups. Mean score and standard deviation of experimental group were 60,05 and 14,77, while the mean score of control group was 51 and the standard deviation was 11,64. However, the speaking ability of the students for both groups were included in the average category.
2. All of the above data indicates the experimental group is more successful than the control group. The figure of t-test is also higher than t-table. It means that the deviation of the two mean score is significant.
3. The effect of CLL toward students’ speaking ability in this research has positive effect. In briefly, the hypothesis stated previously is accepted.
5.2 Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, the writer puts forward the following suggestions:
- The English teacher should pay much attention to the appropriate technique and media that will be applied in presenting the speaking material.
- The English speaking teacher should develop the ability of the students in speaking by giving the students more chance to practice English and to speak their opinion freely, so that their ability will be improved. Its suggested that the English teacher should use CLL as the teaching method especially for teaching speaking.
- The head master should motivate and support the teacher of English to apply this method in teaching speaking at their each school.
- Finally, the researcher hopes other researcher to be more motivated in conducting further investigation to find the main factors which can effect the positive instructional activity.
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