Sabtu, 05 April 2014


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Kamis, 03 April 2014

FULL SKRIPSI -----> An Analysis of the Main Characters’ Hatred Depicted in Sandra Brown’s Novel, “Where There’s Smoke”

An Analysis of the Main Characters’ Hatred Depicted in Sandra Brown’s Novel, “Where There’s Smoke”

First of all, the writer like to thank Almighty God, Who has blessed and guided him so that he is able to accomplish this thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra at the faculty of literature, Islamic University of north Sumatra, medan.
     In this very special occasion he would like to express his deep gratitude and appreciation to the Prof. Dr. H. Efendi Barus, M.A, the Dean of the Faculty of Literature, Islamic University of North Sumatra. Moreover, he is his supervisor, who has given his valuable time, advice, criticism and correction to this thesis from the beginning up to the end of the writing. He also wants to thank all of the lecturers of the faculty who have thought and guided him during the years of his study at the faculty.
In this very special moment, he would like to express his deepest thanks to his beloved parents, Alm.Drs.Nurdin and Hafsah for their love encouragement and supports both financially and mentally that made him possible to finish his study. His thanks are also addressed to his oldest sisters, Rusmidah, and Nurhayati,Fatmawati,And Asmi Fahmi for their supports and encouragement.
Finally, he wants to thank his best friend, Safi’I sitepu  for their mentally supports to rise up his spirit in finishing this writing and all his friend in faculty of literature. 

Medan,31  January 2007
The Writer

This is the result of An Analysis of the Main Characters’ Hatred Depicted in Sandra Brown’s Novel, “Where There’s Smoke”. This analysis shows that Jody hates Lara because she knows Lara is the woman who makes her son’s carrier, Clark, in political down. Jody also hates her son, Key, because Keyis the same as her husband who always makes love adventure to all women whom he like, so it is makes her hate Key so much.
Lara’s hatred to her husband occurred as her husband is the cause of their daughter’s death. Her husband is too ambitious to be a hero for his country, America.


TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................

CHAPTERI:   INTRODUCTION...........................
1.1      General Remarks................... 1
1.2      Reasons for Choosing the Topic.... 3
1.3      Purposes of the Analysis.......... 3
1.4      Scope of the Analysis............. 4
1.5      Method of the Analysis............ 4

2.1   Biography of the Authoress........ 5
2.2   Her Literary Works................ 10

3.1.. Summary of the Novel.............. 11
3.2.. Characters of the Novel........... 17       

1.1    Jodi’s Hated to Lara.............. 18
1.2    Jodi’s Hated to Key............... 23
1.3    Lara’s Hated to her Husband....... 30

5.1  Conclusion........................ 31
5.2  Suggestions....................... 32

BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................ 33



1.1 General Remarks

Human being is god’s creature, since born he or she has given thought and mind that they use in their interaction in their environment to each other. The thought and mind appear the human’s emotion. The emotion is coming to response anything which derives from outside.
The emotion that owned by human being consists of two kinds. They are good and bad emotion. Good emotion usually fulfills someone’s life dominating with love, kindness etc. however, the people in bad emotion, his or her life will be dominated by hatred. This emotion commonly makes the people in trouble as well as in the big disappointment. Hatred in very bad to be owned. To get the clear understanding on hatred, Webster English language dictionary define :
Strong aversion detestion coupled with ill, either the simple emotion or emotional state of aversion abhorrence.
(Webster, 1974 : 1144)
From the quotation above can be said that hatred is the feeling of dislike to someone because of one or some, reason. The reasons can be caused by disapointed, betrayed etc.
     The quotation above shows that hatred is the feeling of dislike to someone because of one or some reason. At least it can be said that hatred is a response towards someone’s bad behavior or attitude. Dealing with the analysis has taken hatred as the subject matter on this study.
     The character’s behavior or attitude in the novel “Where there’s Smoke” written by Sandra Brown shows the way and the cause of hatred. The character’s behavior are being interesting to discuss as it may give us a good moral lesson in enduring the life.

1.2 Reasons for choosing the Topic
There are some reasons why the topic is chosen to be analyzed. There are as follows:
1. Hatred in interested to be analyzed as it often appears based on many factors and reasons dealing with the human being’s behavior.
2. Hatred influences someone’s behavior very much
3. Hatred which is found in the novel can contribute a very good moral aspect to run the daily life.

1.3 Purposes of the Analysis
The purpose of the analysis are as follows:
1. To analyze the min character’s hatred in the novel “Where there’s Smoke” by Sandra Brown’s.
2. To shows the affect of the hatred.
3. To prove the moral lesson that can be found in studying the main character’s hatred.

1.4. Scope of the Analysis

The analysis is limited on the main character’s hatred. Specifically it is focused on Jody’s hatred to Lara Mallory, Jody’s hatred to Key Tackett and her husband, Randal Porter, and those will be discussed in chapter four of the analysis.

1.5. Method of the Analysis

This analysis is the result of a research conducted by  collecting the data from various sources. They are collected from several books. The main data are taken from Sandra Brown’s novel “Where there’s Smoke”. The supporting data and are taken then form some books and references. Those data are then form of description. Then if is presented as a final task which the consider as her thesis.


2.1 Her Biography
Sandra Brown was born in Waco, Texas. When she was five years old, her family relocated to Ft. Worth, where she spent her childhood. Reading was a hobby encouraged by her parents. English was an easy choice for a major when she entered Texas Christian University.
Sandra Brown is the authoress of more than 50 “New York Times “best sellers”. She began her writing career in 1981 and since then has published 65 novels. There are seventy million copies of her books in print worldwide and her works have been translated into thirty languages.
In 1968, she got married to Michael Brown, a former television anchorman who produced the award wining documentary film “Dust to Dust“. They lived in Ft. worth, Texas. Then, she continued her education at Oklahoma State University and the University of Texas at Arlington.      
Before embarking on her writing carrier, she worked as a model at the Dallas Apparel Mart, and in television, including weather casting for WFAA-TV in Dallas and feature reporting on the national syndicated program “PM Magazine”.  Taking the advice of a published writer who had appeared on Michael Brown’s morning TV talk show, Sandra attended a writers’ conference at the University of Houston where she met authors, literary agents, and publishers.  Inspired by the ideas exchanged at the conference, she tried her hand at writing for the lucrative romance market. She sold her first two books within thirteen days of each other. “Love’s Encore” and ”Love Beyond Reason” where published in 1981.
In 1987, brown decided to move away from bonafide romance into the main steam fiction market. The gamble paid off in 1990 when the “Mirror Image” made The New York Times best seller list. Since then, all her novels had been the best seller, including reprints of the early romance. In 1992, “France Silk” was made into ABC-TV movie.
For five consecutive years she received award from Waldenbooks for having the best selling contemporary romance. She was given two similar Awards from B. Dalton. In 1992 the American Business Women’s association honored her with a Distinguish Circle of Success. She served as keynote speaker at romance writers of America’s annual convention in 1985, and in 1998 that organization recognized her with their Lifetime Achievement Award.
She is a member of Author’s Guild, Mystery Writers of America, International Association of Crime Writers, novelist, Inc and Literary Partner.

2.2 Her literary works
Sandra Brown’s literary works may chronologically be listed as follow:
1. Love Beyond Reason.......................... 1981
2. Love’s Encore............................... 1981
3. A treasure Worth Seeking.................... 1982
4. Eloquent Silence............................ 1982
5. Hidden Fires................................ 1982
6. Not even for Love........................... 1982
7. The Silk Web................................ 1982
8. A kiss Remembered........................... 1983
9. A Secret Splendor........................... 1983
  1. Breakfast in Bed............................ 1983
  2. Heaven’s Price.............................. 1983
  3. Prime Time.................................. 1983
  4. Relentless Desire........................... 1983
  5. Seduction by Design........................ 1983
  6. Tempest in Eden............................ 1983
  7. Temptations Kiss........................... 1983
  8. Tomorrow ‘s Promise........................ 1983
  9. Bittersweet Rain........................... 1984
  10. In a class by Itself....................... 1984
  11. Send No Flowers............................ 1984
  12. Tiger Prince .............................. 1984
  13. Word of Silk .............................. 1984
  14. Another Dawn .............................. 1985
  15. Led Astray................................. 1985
  16. Riley in the Morning....................... 1985
  17. Sunset Embrace............................. 1985
  18. Sweet Anger................................ 1985
  19. Thursday’s Child........................... 1985
  20. Above and Beyond........................... 1986
  21. Honor Bound................................ 1986
  22. The Rana Look.............................. 1986
  23. 22 Indigo Place............................ 1986
  24. Demon Rumm................................. 1987
  25. Fanta C.................................... 1987
  26. Sunny Chandler’s Return.................... 1987
  27. The Devil’s Own............................ 1987
  28. Two Alone.................................. 1987
38.    Adam’s Fall................................ 1988
  1. Hawk O’ Toole’s Hostage.................... 1988
  2. Slow Heat in Heaven........................ 1988
41.  Tiding of Great Joy.......................... 1988
42.  A Whole New Light ........................... 1989
43.  Best Keep Secret............................. 1989
44.  Long Time Coming ............................ 1989
45.  Temperatures Rising.......................... 1989
46.  The Thrill of Victory........................ 1989
47.  Mirror Image................................. 1990
48.  Texas! Lucky................................. 1990
49.  Breath of Scandal ........................... 1990
50.  Texas! Chase................................. 1991
51.  Texas! Sage ................................. 1991
52.  French Silk ................................. 1992
53.  Shadow of Yesterday –
Reprint of relentless desire................. 1992
54.  Where There’s Smoke.......................... 1993
55.  Charade ..................................... 1993
56.  The Witness.................................. 1995
57.  Exclusive.................................... 1996
58.  Fat Tuesday.................................. 1997
59.  Unspeakable.................................. 1998
60.  The Alibi.................................... 1999
61.  Standoff..................................... 2000
62.  The Switch................................... 2000
63.  Envy......................................... 2001
64.  The Crush.................................... 2002
65.  Hello, Darkness.............................. 2003
66.  White Hot.................................... 2004


3.1 Summary of the Novel.
Lara Mallory was a beautiful, brilliant, smart, and talented woman. She was a doctor. Her husband, Randall Porter worked in abroad institution in Texas. Lara’s parent encouraged her to marry Randall. They thought that Randall was a perfect man for their daughter.
For her marriage life, Lara felt unhappy until finally they had a daughter named Ashley Porter. Their house hold conflict began when Lara was trapped in a big scandal that involved Clark Tackett, a decedent of Clark Junior who heritage a big company of Tackett Oil in Eden Pass, a small town in Texas.
Clark Tackett is the first son of Clark Junior and Jody Tackett. He had a young brother named Key Tackett and young sister named Janellen. After the death of Tackett Junior, the company was lead by Jody Tackett, a bad tempered, unpleasant, smart and proud person.
She handled this company helped by Janellen. Janellen was an obedient daughter. She would do what Jody wanted to do. She was a shy person. It was contrast with her brother’s characters, Key. Key was a handsome man, drunkard who always opposed her mother. He liked to work as pilot than in his own company.  The Tackett family had great power in Eden pass. Many people in Eden Pass worked to them.
The scandal which involved Clark and Lara made Jody angry. Jody would do everything to get rid Lara and her family from Eden Pass. That scandal extremely influenced reputation, mental and carrier of Clark. Finally, Clark died in a lake when he went boating.
Before the death of Clark, Randall and his family had moved to Montesangre as ambassador. This place was full of conflict. Clark and his family had big role to move Randall’s family. At that time, Lara was in pregnant a few months later, after they moved to Montesangre, Randall and his family were going to attend the government invitation. In the cross road, their car was stopped by a group of gun man. Act brutally, they shot the car. Ashley died in the incident, but she did not know the condition of her husband because she was faint.
The death of her daughter and her husband made Lara extremely sad. This was the worst experience which happened in her life. Lara finally went back to Eden Pass. In Eden Pass, she lived and opened a clinic. This clinic was a gift of Clark Tackett which was bought from Dr. Patton. Clark gave this clinic to Lara which was written in a testament before he died.  
One night, when Lara was sleeping, she heard that there was someone who knocked her clinic. She then wake up and opened the door. She looked a man with blood body, named Key Tackett. She helped Key by wrapping his injury. Key got surprise when he knew that her named was Dr. Lara Mallory, Randall’s wife. He knew that she had made his brother broken.
Jody Tackett knew that Lara had returned to Eden Pass and opened a clinic. Jody hated Lara so much. She would do everything to get away Lara. Jody had a big power in Eden Pass because most of people worked in her company, Tackett Oil. Although Jody was the leader of Tackett Oil and had a power, Lara was not afraid of her.  She would stay in Eden Pass patiently. She realized that she would face many problems.
The relation between Lara and Key was quite good because they often met. Key felt pity when Lara told that her husband and her daughter were died in an incident in Montesangre. Lara did not know where Ashley was buried. Lara used this opportunity to persuade Key to fly to Montesangre for searching the grave of her daughter. Key was a good aviator and had flown everywhere, but he had never flown to Montesangre.
Lara and Key finally flew to Montesangre. At that place, Lara and Key met a pastor, named Geraldo, and asked him to help them. Father Geraldo then brought Lara and Key to Dr. Soto. Dr. Soto knew where Ashley was buried. Dr. Soto refused their request because it would make his life dangerous. Key threatened to kill him if he didn’t want to help them. Under pressure, Dr. Soto then was ready to show the grave.
In an area, Dr. Soto said that Ashley was buried together with a thousand other victims. Spontaneously, Lara cried and fell dawn to the ground. She was extremely sad to know that Ashley was buried improper place. At the same time, a group of rebels came and shot Father Geraldo and Dr. Soto. Then they arrested and brought Lara and Key to their leader, Elcorazon Del Diablo. Elcorazon was Emillio Sanchez Peron. He had ever worked with Randall in embassy of America in Montesangre. Elcorazon brought Lara and Key in a hotel.
In the hotel, Lara got surprise when he met Randall. She thought that Randall was dead. Randall told a falls story to Lara that Elcorazon arrested him for three years. Elcorazon let him go because he could help the independent of Montesangre.
Finally they returned to America. Elcorazon conspired with Randall to make diplomatic relationship between America and Montesangre. The returned of Randall from Montesangre made his name well known. Randall made himself to be respectable person, but it was not for Lara. Lara regarded that Randall was a very bad man. It was because Randall had told the true story. Randall said that this was his plan even when he went to Montesangre for the first time. He also said that the incident that made Ashley died was his idea. But he did not mean to kill his daughter. It was only accident. Lara was very angry.
Suddenly she took her gun and wanted to shoot Randall. Before shooting Randall, Lara heard a great explosion outside. She ran out approaching the explosion. Lara looked and helped many victims because of the explosion from a motel near her house. After that, Lara and Key went back to Lara’s house. They found Randall died. Jody Tackett killed Randall by shooting him. Jody worried that everyone would know about her son’s love affair with Randall. Key was confused and asked Jody to tell everything. Jody told that Clark was Randall’s sweetheart. Randall blamed Lara that she had made love affair with Clark in order to save his carrier. Lara obeyed what Randall said because she was pregnant at that time. She did not want to look his daughter got suffered because of Randall’s scandal. She chose to go to Montesangre with Randall to hide this secret. After taking the true story, Jody Tackett died because of heart attack.
Lara and Key finally made decision to live together. They love each other and nobody could prevent their effort to marry.

3.2 Characters of the Novel
Lara Mallory
     Lara Mallory, the protagonist of the novel, is a beautiful, smart, and talent. She is a doctor. Her parents encourage her to marry Randall Porter, a husband who brings her many problems until the death of her daughter. She has mission to look for and find the grave of her daughter in Montesangre.

Key Tackett       
     Key Tackett is Jody Tackett’s second son who always opposes what his mother wants. He is a pilot who flies Lara to Montesangre in looking for Ashley’s grave. He is a handsome, drunkard, womanizer, and adventure, but in the end of the novel she loves and is interested to marry Lara Mallory.

Randall Porter
     Randall Porter is Lara’s husband. He is charming, urban, and cosmopolitan who holds a promoting position in State Department. He has broken his house hold owing to the fact that he makes love affair with Clark Tackett. Randall makes false story that Lara has made love affair with Clark Tackett.

Clark Tackett
     Clark Tackett is Randall’s sweet heart. He is Jody Tackett’s first son. He is smart and prestigious. His position in government as senator breaks down after he has big scandal with Lara. Clark finally dies when he goes boating which makes speculation that it is not an accident at all but a suicide.

Jody Tackett
     Jody Tackett is a bad tempered, unpleasant, smart, and proud person. She comes from poverty but her intelligence makes her as high class person who marries Tackett Junior, the owner of Tackett Oil. Jody leads the company helped by Janellene after the death of her husband.



Someone in his or her own life has the feeling of happines, love, longing, angry and hate. It is felt because of some reasons. This analysis discusses about the  main characters’ hatred depicted in Sandra brown’s novel, “Where there’s Smoke”. The main characters that discusses here is Jody and Lara. Jody hates  Lara and her son, Key. Lara also hates her husband for some reasons since the death of their daugthe, Ashley. She think her husband is too ambitious. Both Jody and Lara have the same characteristics. They hate their family.
4.1 Jody’s Hatred to Lara

Jody Tackett is the mother of Clark Tackett, Key Tackett and Janellen Tackett who own the Tackett oil in Eden Pass. She is  well known in Eden Pass because of her influenced in the small town in Texas.
She hates Lara Mallory, Randal’s wife so much. She hates her because Lara has known by American’s society as a bad woman who has broken down Clark Tackett’s carrier in political as a senator in America representative from Texas.     
All mothers in this world are wished their son to be a good and successful person. They are willing to do every thing for the success of their son and also protection. That is the pure love from a mother. See the following quotation.
“The only thing Jody loved better than Tackett Oil was her boy,Clark. She thought the sun rose and set in him. I guess he never crossed her. Anyway, she had his future all mapped out, including a stint in the White House”

“Clark was Eden Pass favorite
(Sandra Brown, 1993: 51, 67)

The quotation above shows that Clark has become a favorite son in Eden Pass. It is Jody’s plan on him. Jody is happy because her plan becomes true
In her eyes, Clark was a golden boy in the family because he always follows whatever she said to him. So that she also loves him very much more the others her son and daughter, are Key and Janellen.
However, it is not too long. Her happiness changes into a sadness, hatred, disappointed and revenge. Clark catches red-hand with a woman who has a husband, named Lara Porter. The scandal  becomes the hot news in America.
It makes Jody hates to Lara because she thinks that the good name of Clark and his politic carrier is going to be down because of Lara. Moreover Americans do not like him anymore. See the following quotation:
“He had no future, period. You cost him his carrier in politics. He didn’t even embarrass his political party by running again. He knew that American had had their fill of statement getting caught in compromising position with bimbos. 
  (Sandra Brown, 1993: 63)
The quotation above shows Jody’s sadness on Clark and her hatred to Lara is the cause of her failure in getting a good future for Clark. Of course all mothers do not want their sons’ future broken by someone whoever they are. The mothers will really get angry to them, even they do not want to see them.
Jody’s hatred to Lara has made her leaving Eden Pass. She worries that Lara will find out the scandal. Clark tells his mother he does not let Lara knows about the scandal. In fact she knows it herself when she comes to her husbands room where he and her husband are making love. This is the condition that makes Jody feels worry if Lara stays in Eden Pass. Jody worries if Lara will tell the truth about Clark. If Lara tells the truth about Clark to the public, it surely makes her family’s good name downed. Thus, Jody think the problem solving for this case is to get Lara out of Eden Pass. Thus she makes some tricks to move Lara from Eden Pass, see the following quotation “
“Just stating the fact, Doc. Nobody in Eden Pass will dare offend Jody by becoming your patient. You can count on that. Too may families depend on Tackett oil for their livelihoods. They’ll drive forty miles for an aspirin before they’ll darken your door.”
Sandra Brown, 1993: 67)

The quotation above shows Jody’s trick to move Lara away from Eden Pass. As a woman who has a big power and  ownes everything, she can influence the people in Eden Pass not to come to Lara as her patient. Her influence is felt by Lara. Although she is a competent doctor, no many people come as her patient for they afraid of Jody’s intimidation. All the people in the town  drive out of the town only to get an aspirin moreover, they afraid of Jody because they can be fired from her company if they don’t listen to her. 
Jody really hates Lara. She does not want to be helped by Lara thought she needs the help very much. Examine the following quotation.
“Ge’ ‘er away from me. Don’ want ‘er to touch me.” Her speech was slurred, but her message was clear.
“Dr. Mallory saved your life, mama,” Janellen said gently.
Jody tried to sit up but couldn’t. She fixed a murderous stare on Dr Mallory. Although she couldn’t articulate her animosity, it was effectively conveyed.
Key made a swift motion with his head. “Take off, Doc. She doesn’t want you near her. You’re only making matter worse.”
(Sandra Brown, 1993: 252-253)

The quotation above shows Jody’s hatred to Lara. Even she is dying she still rejects Lara’s help to save her life. Her hatred to Lara is also the reason to forbid Key, her son, to be close with her. She does not like Key makes a relationship with Lara. She really wants to drive Lara away from Eden Pass. She even says that she will not die in peace before she knows Lara goes out from Eden Pass. See the following quotation:
“Lara ignored him. “Primarily, I’m backing down because I’m afraid the fight might kill you.”
Jody focused on her for the first time since entering the room. “Well, you’re wrong. I won’t die until I see you on your way out of town. My town. Clark’s town. I won’t rest until you’re gone and the air is fit to breathe again.”
(Sandra Brown, 1993: 288)

The above quotation shows Jody’s hatred to Lara. It has become her principle that she does not want to stay in the same town as Lara. Moreover, Lara stays in the town where Jody is the most influence person, Jody says that she will never die until she is able to get Lara out of her town, Eden Pass.
Her worry is on climax when Randal comes from Montesangre and stays in Eden Pass. She is afraid if Randall tells the truth about her Clark to the public. So she comes to Randall and shoots him to make him silent forever. See the following quotation:
“Oh, God, Key! I did not shot him. I couldn’t. I didn’t!”
“No, I did.”
The husky confession came from behind the wedge of space between the partially open door and the paneled the wall. Key reached past Lara and closed the door in order to see who was hiding behind it.
(Sandra Brown, 1993: 487-488)

It shows that Jody really wants to cover the scandal. She does not want the Eden Pass citizens know that her son, Clark is a gay. After killing Randal, the trouble makes in her family. She dies in peaace in Key’s embrace.

4.2 Jody’s Hatred to Key.

Jody is a kind of mother who does not make a fair decision children. To her children, she always makes a differentiation in giving her love. Especially between Clark and Key. She always makes comparation between Clark and Key. In fact, it makes Key a bit dissapoint.
The relationship between Jody and her son is not good. Since Key’s born, she never gives him her love as a mother. Her husband causes her hatred to Key. Her husband makes a fatal mistake, when Clark born he gives Jody six dozens of yellow rose and when Key is born he does not give her anything. It makes Jody hates because she thinks that her husband does not love her, and as the effect of her hatred to her husband, she hates Key. See the following quotation:

“Your father is captivating”. Her face is calming. “When Clark was born, he had gave me six dozens of yellow rose. I angry with him because of his waste, but he said that there is not in every day a man gets a son”
“How when Key was born?”
Jodi’s eyes, which are red because of tear changes in into lightening. “I have got nothing.”
(Sandra Brown 1993: 214)

The quotation above clearly shows that the cause of Jody’s hatred to her husband who does not give her presents when Key is born. Even at the time, Tackett junior, Jody’s husband does not at home when Key is born. He is going out side with a woman. That is the cause of the problem.
In this case, Jody makes a fatal mistake to her husband. Her hatred to her husband also happens to her  son, Key. Of course it is a big mistake of a mother. Even though her hatred to her husband ends up with a divorce, as a good mother, she still has to love her son.
The relationship between Jodi’s and Key is no fixing for thirty-six years or since Key was born. Their relationship is the same as west and east. See the following quotation:
Jody and her son look each other. Between them there is a deep gap, which for thirty-six years is never ended. Key is doubted whether the gap between him and her mother can be ended.
(Sandra Brown, 1993: 51)

The quotation above shows that Jody’s relationship with her son, Key is not harmony. It is because Jody never appreciates each Key’s presents to her. She always compares Key with her gold son, Clark. Of course between two people there are some differences.
Key feels doubt on the relation between him and his mother will change. If it changes it means that the power of angel has came to change her mother’s heart and mind.
Her hatred to Key is making her treating him unlovely. Whenever she meets Key there is always debate among them. It even happens on the dining room. Moreover, Key always closes to Lara to find out a secret of Lara’s daughter, Ashley. Key guesses that  Lara’s daughter is his brother’s daughter because he thinks Lara has made a love affair with his brother. He doesn’t know the true of the story about his brother’s scandal. He does not know that his brother has the affair with Lara’s husband. So that, Jody is angry to her son, Key. She doesn’t want to accept a member of her family makes a relation with Lara. See the following quotation:
“I’ve not going to hospital. I’ve going Dr. Patton’s clinic. There is I was served by a beautiful doctor. She was who treated me.”
“Of course,” Jodi’s words were the expression of her angry.
“What the hell kind of the word?”
“The doctor. Do you know her name is? She is used Lara Mallory. Her name after married is Lara Porter.”
(Sandra brown, 1993: 55)

The quotation above explains clearly that Jodi really won’t let her family have a relation with Lara Porter. However, Key ignores her order. Thus she says to Key that he does not appreciate her brother by having a relation with Lara, the woman who makes Clark’ carrier in political broken down.
At the end of Jody’s life, she dies in Key’s embrace. Key realizes that even her mother shows hatred to him however, in her deepest heart she still loves him.  As the wife word that says the wild of tiger never eats her child.

4.3 Lara’s Hatred to Her Husband.

Lara is Randal’s wife, the ambassador of America in Montesange. Lara hates her husband because of two reasons, firstly Randal is the person who makes love affair with Clark, but to protect his carrier he sacrifices his wife and says that Lara is the woman who makes the scandal with Clark. And secondly Randal sacrifices their daughter, Ashley for his ambition in carrer. 
As narrated in the novel by the author that Randal and Clark have a scandal. Lara catches red-hand them; however, to protect his carrier, Randal composes a story that actually Clark has the scandal with Lara. Examine the following quotation:
“Tell me, Jody,” Key asks her mother. “try, please. Tell me. I must to know”
“Randal Porter is….”
“Yes, Jody. What?”
“”No, Key. Don’t. Don’t, please.”
“Shut up, Lara. Randal Porter what, Jody?
“He is Clark’s love.”
(Sandra brown, 1993: 489)

The quotation above explains that Randal is a selfish  to protect his carrier, he sacrifices his wife, Lara. It makes Lara suffers and she hates him.
Actually, their marriage cannot stand and Lara asks him to divorce her. However to keep his performance, Randal does not allow her moreover Lara is pregnant of her first daughter. So Lara just follows him because she doesn’t want  if her child will face problems in her growing up. After the scandal known by America society,the government of America sends them to Montesange in order to calm down the situation.
In this country, Randal has a plan; he wants to come back to America as a hero of the country which is involved in conflict. Then he makes a plan to pretend that he has found the revolution. He joins the rebel to make him be captured
The capture is done on his way to attend a party. At the party he brings his wife and his daughter. The rebels stop his car on traffic jam. The rebels do their action. Unfortunately, his daughter dies in his play and his wife is shooting and the rebels bring them . See the following quotation:
“When arrived at my new duty, as son as possible, I make a plan. I make it in order I can come back to Washington as a hero. Emilio is a clever youth, and owned his ambition in his self. It is fulfill after the death of Perez.
She is playing with Ashley at the back of the car. Their car arrives near of a crossroad. When the car slow down, a group of people who have gun come their car. Their driver is shooting and his body falls down on the driver chair.
She is crying. Randal look at back, looks at her. “Good by, Lara.” He looks unfrightened, however, he laugh.
“So you have known! You and Emilio composed the attacked! You kill our daughter”.
(Sandra Brown, 1993: 556)

The quotation above shows Lara’s hatred to her husband. She has known that the cause of their daughter’s death is her husband. Because of her husband ambition, their daughter, Ashley who does not know anything dies. Her father sacrifices her to get his ambition.
Lara’s hatred to Randal cannot be resisted. She wants Randal is death because Randal, as the head of family should protect his family but on the contrary, he sacrifies his daugther to get his ambition.
A good mother will protect her children fromany person who want to hurt them. Lara also does it; even the person who kills her daughter is her husband. So that she wants to kill Randal as seen in the following quotation:
“Your betrayed killed our daughter’s life.” Lara’s sound calm and on her hand is a magnum gun 357. “Fuck you! You kill my daughter. Now I will kill you.”
(Sandra Brown, 1993: 648)
The quotation above shows that Lara won’t forgive her husband as he is the cause of her child’s death. Her mind does not work normally, but there is emotion that masteres her soul. His hatred to Randal almost comes into climax as she is ready to kill her husband. Fortunately when she is ready to shoot she hears an explotion close to her place. Then her attention goes to the explosion. She goes there to help any victims. It mean Randal is saved.


5.1 Conclusion

After doing the analysis about the main characters’ hatred depicted in Sandra brown’s novel, it can be concluded that hatred can be occur whenever, wherever and for whomever even to our family. Hatred sometimes brings us to express our hatered to the very close person to us.
 It is shown in this analysis, Lara, one of the main characters in this novel, wants to shoot Randal because her hatred to him. She wants to shoot him because her daughter has died as the effect of Randal’s plan to come back to America as the hero. While Jody, the mother of Key, she never shows her love to Key because when Key is born, her husband does not give her presents, and besides it, Key is the same as her husband who always makes adventure of love to many girl. Every Key’s present to her, she never accepts.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the analysis of the novel, the writer wants to give suggestion to the readers, they are:
  1. It is suggested that the reader should not hate our family because they are the part of our life. To solve the problem it is better to makes share about what the problem is.
  2. It is suggested that the readers should find as soon as possible the cause of the problem that makes us hate to them and how to solve it immediately because hatered will bring us into disaster.
  3. It is suggested that the readers should calm down or patient when someone hurts us in order to control our because when it is happened everything can be uncontrolled.

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