Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Increasing Students` Speaking Ability Through Zip Zap Game For the Seventh Grade of SMPN1 Montong Gading 2013/2014

A.  Background of the Study
English becomes the most essential language in the world. Almost all the people from many different countries around the world use it to communicate when they meet one another in every international meeting, workshop, or conference. All countries in the world have set the language as one of the compulsory subject studied at school.
 In Indonesia, English is as the foreign language that is not used everyday. They may only learn English from the school. The short and limited frequency of the meeting, leak of teaching learning English instrument is a compulsory subject which should be mastered by students. They are expected to be able to listen, speak, read, and write in English around which have been selected based on their development and interest. They are also expected to comprehend oral and written expression to achieve this objective; the teacher should develop the four language skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing. By using English for many purposes and postural context, students can develop their skills for expressing their thoughts, feeling, and experiences using spoken or written English fix in order to explore their relationship between individual in the international access faced knowledge’s word, ideas, and value in English.
Based on the statement above, the researcher concludes that speaking is useful skill for students, for example students can do many things such as getting a good job, creating job by themselves such as being a guide an interpreter or teaching in course.
Most of junior high school has a low social economy, especially in English subject, they seem uninterested, they think it is difficult and make bored. Besides, the situations of their social are not support, they are more interested in parochial school. This makes the result of English teaching learning process becomes poor. Moreover in speaking class, student always feels afraid of expressing their ideas, suggestion or their feeling. They are afraid to be laughed if they make mistakes in their speaking. This fact can be seen mostly at seventh grader of SMPN 1 Montong GadingThis is the first year for them to learn English in the schoolthere is a possibility that they are still unable to use English in interacting with their teacher in the classroom. It is mean that to make the students have strong interest in teaching and learning process especially in learning speaking, the teacher should take the best approach, method, and strategies. Then, the teacher can use media in teaching of English language, method are used to help the students for speaking to make interaction between the teacher and students.
The teacher who is able to present the material easily will be students` idol. The teacher can use some methods in teaching and learning process to help students` understanding about the material that explained. In applying method, the teachers have to prepare many things like; teaching material, classroom management, and many others aspect because using inappropriate technique can make the students get difficult in understanding the teacher`s explanation and it means that the teacher may failed in teaching them.
 As a result according to this situation, the teacher can use game as method in teaching and learning processes. According to Hornby (1995, p. 486) game is an activity that you do to have some fun. Zip zap game can be defined as something or an instrument that used to attract students’ motivation to follow the teaching and learning process because zip zap game can make the students more focus in learning and avoid students` bored in learning. They also enable learners to acquire new experiences within a foreign language which are not always possible during a typical lesson.
Based on the reasons above, zip zap game can be used as an alternative to motivate speaking learning that will give many advantages for teacher and the students either. So that is way, the researcher concerns of “increasing students` speaking ability through zip zap game  for the seventh grade of SMPN I Montong Gading in the school years 2013/2014.
B.  Scope of the Study
Based on the background of the study above, this study was limited to find out the increasing of students’ speaking ability through zip zap game. The subject of the study was the seventh graders of SMPN 1 Montong Gading in the school year 2013/2014.
C. Statement of the Problem
Based on the background of the study above, the problem can be formulated as follows: “How can zip zap game increase the students’ speaking ability at the seventh graders of SMPN 1 Montong Gading in the school year 2013/2014?
D. Purpose of the Study
Based on the research statement above, this study was aimed to investigate and find out the role of zip zap game in increasing students speaking ability for the seventh graders ofSMPN 1 Montong Gading in the school year 2013/2014.
E. Significance of the Study
This study investigated about increasing students’ speaking ability through zip zap game of the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Montong Gading in the school year 2013/3014. The result of the study elaborated about the students’ increase in speaking ability by applying zip zap game.
The finding of the study was expected to give contributions for the readers. Firstly for the school, the finding of this study could add some theories for the school mainly in case of English subject to increase speaking skill in the school. Secondly for the teacher, the finding of this study was  expected to be useful for language teacher as a consideration in teaching English for the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Montong Gading in the school year 2013/2014.Beside that, it could also be guidance for language teachers in teaching English mainly to increase the students’ speaking ability. Next for the studentsthe finding of this study could help the students who were learning English in increasing their speaking ability through zip zap game. The last, the finding of the study was expected to be a practical guide for other researcher in conducting further investigation in the same problem.

A. Speaking Ability
In this chapter will discuss about the nature of speaking, macro and micro skill of speaking, the aspect of speaking, the type of speaking activity, and the function of speaking ability.
1. The Nature of Speaking Ability
In general term the nature of speaking refers to communicate and conversation between two people to express orally any massage of information. In this case Ronald (2001, p17) claims that the most natural of communicate is simply to speak. Meanwhile, Ronal also claims that conversation is a social activity between two or more people. This means that in speaking activity involved in general term without formally being thought how to speak and speaking also involve interaction between speaker and listener.
The discussion in this study talks about spoken language in term of speaking. Julia(1987, p. 17) suggest that speaking as the informal interchange of thought and information by spoken words. It means that speaking involves at least two persons, one as a listener and the other as a responder. So, it is two ways processes of interchanging of thought and information.
Breen and Candlin (1989, p. 89-112) state that “The nature of speaking is also the nature of communication. They further elaborate the nature of communication as follows:
1. Communication (speaking) is as the form of social interaction.
2. Communication needs a high creativity in the messages form.
3. Communication happens based on psychologies condition.
4.    Communication happens in the discourse contexts and social culture in the actual use of language.
5. Communication always contains intention and purpose.
6. Communication involves authentic language.
7. Communication (speaking) can happen successfully that is proved with the real result.
2. Micro and Macro Skill of Speaking Ability
The micro skills refer to produce the smaller chunks of language such as phonemes, morphemes, words, collocations, and phrasal units. The macro skill simply the speaker’s focus on the larger elements: fluency, discourse, function, style, cohesion, nonverbal communication, and strategic options. The  micro  and macro  skills total  roughly  16 different  objectives  to  assess  in  speaking. Brown (2003, p142)
a. Micro skill
1. Produce differences among English phonemes and allophonic variants.
2. Produce chunks of language of different lengths.
3. Produce English stress patterns, words in stressed and unstressed positions, rhythmic structure, and intonation contours.
4. Produce reduced forms of words and phrases.
5. Use an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish pragmatic purposes.
6. Produce speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause groups, breath groups, and sentence constituents.
7. Monitor one’s own oral production and use various strategic devices – pauses, fillers, self corrections, backtracking – to enhance the clarity of the message.
8. Use grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.) systems (e.g., tense, agreement, pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.
9. Produce fluent speech at different rates of delivery.
10. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.
11. Use cohesive devices in spoken discourse.
b. Macro skill
12. Appropriately accomplish communicative functions according to situation, participants, and goals.
13 Use appropriate styles, registers, implicative, redundancies, pragmatic conventions, conversation rules, floor keeping and yielding, interrupting, and other sociolinguistic features in face to face conversations.
14. Convey facial features, kinesics, body language, and other nonverbal cues along with verbal language.
15. Convey links and connections between events and communicate such relations as focal and peripheral ideas, events and feelings, new   information and given information, generalization and exemplification.
16. Develop and use a battery of speaking strategies, such as emphasizing key words, rephrasing, providing a context for interpreting the meaning of words, appealing for help, and accurately assessing how well your interlocutor is understanding you.
3.    The Aspect of Speaking Ability
The process of speaking is used to be able to speak well and right. Referring to the aspect of speaking skill, Nurgiantoro (2001, p. 26) states that in order to be able to speak in a language, the speaker have to mastery the pronunciation, grammar, and word. Furthermore Bradja (in Mardiyah, 2006) also state that speaking activity may be viewed from appropriateness of speaking target. The other opinion says that the aspect of speaking consist of utterance, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, content and comprehension.
1.    The Utterance Skill
The ability of utterance is one of the important thing in order that message is acceptable. Referring to such thing, Tarigan (1985, p. 55) states in speaking process such as discussion, briefing, argumentation, chatting, interview, asking and answering, speech have to be uttered clearly in order the expression of thought delivered to audience can be understood easily.
2. Vocabulary
Knowing approximately 3000 high-frequency and general academic words is significant because this amount will help the speakers to utterance words easily, fluently and good refers to the important of vocabulary to be mastered. Richard (2002, p. 259) found that knowing a minimum of about 3000 words was required for effective speaking, at the university level, whereas knowing 5000 words indicated likely academic success.
3. Grammar
Grammar is one of the aspects in language. Every language has different grammar. Richard (2002, p. 141) defines grammar as grammatical competence which stated that Grammar Competency is an umbrella concept that includes increasing expertise in grammar (morphology and syntax), vocabulary and mechanics (sound of letter, syllables, pronunciation of word, intonation and a stress) It also stated by Nurhadi (1987, p. 34) that grammar covers phonology, semantics, morphology, and syntax. The process of speaking has to use selective words, so it can be accepted well by the others. In the contact of foreign language learning, capability of noticing make sense towards grammar always needed although the first aim of language learning is communication.
4. Content and Meaning
Tarigan (1985, p. 45) argues that the content and meaning is an ability in speaking that can be known from mistake, completeness, clarification, and simplicity what the topic is about. Without content and meaning the speaker can’t plan or prepare material before expressing ideas.
5. Fluency
This skill relates to speech activities on all professional and general topics effortless  and smooth  as  native speaker  as  possible. Tarigan (1985, p. 47)
4. The Types of Speaking Activity
Speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed, those observation are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test taker`s listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and the validity of an oral production test (Brown 2003, p140), speaking skill has some types. (Brown 2003, p.141) proposed that there are 5 types of speaking skill as follows:
1. Imitative
A continuum type of speaking performance is the ability to simply parrot back or imitate a word or phrase or possibly a sentence. Imitative is the purely phonetic level of oral production, a number of prosodic, lexical, and grammatical properties of language may be included in the criterion performance.
2. Intensive
A second type of speaking skill frequently employed is assessment context is the production of short stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate competence in a narrow band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationship (such as prosodic element intonation, stress, rhythm, juncture). The speaker must be aware of semantic properties in order to be able to respond, but interaction with an interlocutor or test administrator is minimal at best.
3. Responsive
In this type, the stimulus is almost always a spoken prompt (In order to preserve authenticity), with perhaps only one or two follows up question.
4. Interactive
The different responsive and interactive speaking are in the length and complexity of the interaction, which sometime include multiple exchanges and/or multiple participant. Interaction can take the two forms of transactional language, with has the purpose exchanging specific information or interpersonal exchanges.
5. Extensive  
Extensive oral production includes speeches, oral presentation and story-telling during the opportunity for oral interaction from the listener. In this type, language style is frequently more deliberative and formal for extensive task. 
5. The Function of Speaking Ability
Speaking is a combining sound in recognized and systematic way. Richards (2008,­p. 39) suggest that speaking activities is determining the expected level of performance on a speaking task and the criteria that will be used to assess student performance.
Speaking is as one of the language  skills  that  have  vital  function to orally express  any  messages,  ideas,  opinions and emotions. Furthermore, Fraser (1978, p. 5) elaborates some functions of speaking as follows:
1.    Representative function
    In this function, speaking has an important role to make statement and for sending information about knowledge.
2.    Directive function
    In this view, speaking is used to express any suggestions and advices orally.
3.    Evaluative function
    In this case, speaking is used to know and to evaluate comprehension degrees of speakers and listeners about the substances of speaking.
There are two main purpose of speaking. Speaking serves either a transactional function, in that its primary purpose is to convey information and facilities the exchange of goods or services, or its serves an interpersonal function, in that its primary purpose is to establish and maintain social relationship. Scot (2005, P. 13).
B. Zip Zap Game
This chapter discuses about the meaning of zip zap game, the concept of zip zap game, procedure of zip zap game, the advantages and disadvantages of zip zap game, and teaching speaking through zip zap game.
1. The meaning of Zip Zap game
To increase the speaking skill we need method to be used. One of them is game. The definition of game is an activity that you do to have some fun Hornby (1995, p. 486). In this case frank suggest that (1997, p. 140) zip zap is simple game but it's a lot of fun. Therefore, zip zap game can be defined as something or an instrument that is used to attract students’ motivation to follow the teaching and learning process because zip zap game can make the students more focus in learning, they do not feel that they are forced to learn, encourage students to interact and communicate. They also enable learners to acquire new experiences within a foreign language which are not always possible during a typical lesson. Zip zap Game can be a method that will give many advantages for teacher and the students either.
Atti (2008, p. 1) claims that zip zap is train students to pronounce words withrepetition technique (drill). Katerina (2007, p. 21) zip means left, zap means right and zip zap means that everybody changes their seats. Meanwhile the variations are Instead of names or hobbies students can ask their neighbor about interests, favorite food, favorite color etc. Meanwhile Wyne (1991, p. 22) another good activity is for the students to interview each other in English. They can also take on a famous person or characters personality for this. This activity reviews all the basic questions regarding; name, age, job, family, likes etc.
Based on definition above, the writer concludes that zip zap game is language game that helps students to involve their speaking by description each other.
2. Concept of Zip Zap Game
Lewis and Bedson call this type activity is rousing. Rousers wake a class up. They get the adrenalin going. Typical `rousers`, in Lewis and Bedson`s opinion, are movement games and games where there is element of competition. (Lewis and Bedson, 1990, p. 7) Both elements are present in zip zap. Children, in this activity move from one seat to another. Moreover, they have to compete to find some free chair, otherwise they stay in the middle of the circle and take over teacher`s role.
Lewis and Bedson warn that this type of activity can get excess energy out of one group and actually settle them. However it could excite another group so much that they go wild and lose control. (Lewis and Bedson, 1990, p. 7) taking into consideration the nature of the class, I was not afraid to do the activity at any phase of the lesson, but it is true that zip zap was usually performed at the end of the lesson before break. It was very amusing for the children and they did not know when to stop.
This activity focuses on practice of various structures with the element of game. Lewis and Badson claim that, “with beginners same games can resemble `fun` drill, with the decision making reduced to substitution of a single word in a phrase” (Lewis and Bedson, 1990, p. 6). However, the author continuous, even in such classes, children are required to make individual choices base on the specific language which form part of the rules of the game. Zip zap made the Ls familiar mainly with possible ways of introducing their neighbors or friends using various structures.
3. Procedure of Zip Zap Game
Applying game as one of the ways to teach English in considered as a step to drive instructional material run smoothly. Game in this matter corresponds to zip zap game in which the application can be elaborated below:
a. Tool, place and time
First activities explain the role of zip zap and attract the students’ understanding about this game. One person point to the other one and says some of these words:
ZIP - means LEFT - pointed student must tell the name of the neighbor on the left, ZAP - means RIGHT - pointed student must tell the name of the neighbor on the right ZIP - ZAP - means that everybody changes their seats. At the beginning of exercise the researcher as teacher provides an opportunity for students to get acquainted with the others. With this game the students are expected to memorize the character of other participant with time allocation four thirty minutes in the classroom.
b. Step activity
Students are encouraged to sit in a circlethen all students introduce themselvessay zipby pointing student and the student you are pointing to says the name of the students sitting to his or her left, if zap, the students says the name of the students sitting to his or her right, if students are familiar with these conditionsthe teacher call zip-zap, and now all student stands up and run to different chair. For better results the rounds will repeatup to three times or until the student no longer make mistakes, either in speaking English or call his name.
c. Conclusion and discussion
Teacher makes reflection and make conclusion about how to describe someone by using zip zap game and giving question to students, is it easy to memorize someone name, is there quickly ways to memorize person name and how we feel when called wrong name.
4. The Advantage and Disadvantage of Zip Zap Game
Each of teaching factors such as the method, strategy and technique that is used in teaching and learning process, then the completeness of teaching facilitation or media have advantages and disadvantages.  Related to this title there are some advantages and disadvantages of using zip zap game in the classroom they are:
A. Advantages
Katerina (2007, p. 21) suggest that the first activity “zip zap” helped students to get to know many people and their names and because it is not easy to remember the direction of zip and zap it was fun and it supported friendly atmosphere. She also suggest that these activities should help a class to get to know each other, to break the ice among strangers, to encourage children to speak and to improve imagination, creativity as well as group cooperation. While another expert, Frank (1985, p. 140) claim that this version of an attention getting game has a bonus feature, it help students learn name. This is very beneficial when school start. Much of the humor in zip zap drives from people inability to function under social a time pressures. Most player become befuddled when trying to the `simple` task and remembering and saying someone`s name. but as the game goes on they get better and the it`s have to rely more on “zip zap”.
Meanwhile David (2008, p. 25). There are some advantages of using zip zap in the classroom:
1.    Zip zap makes learning fun, motivating and challenging.
2.    Zip zap usually involve friendly competition and they keep students interested in learning the language.
3.    It can make the class atmosphere existing.
4.    Encourage students to interact and communicate.
5.    Encourage mental agility and memory.
6.    Bring real world context into the classroom, and increase students’ use of English in a flexible, meaningful and communicative way.
7.    Help them (children) learn and hang on to new word more easily.
8.     It can help the teacher to create the effective teaching and learning process.
B. Disadvantages
In the same page David also states the disadvantages of using zip zap game in the classroom:
1.    Player elimination, if a player makes a mistake, they are out.
2.    There is time limit, it needs to be played very fast and therefore requires everybody's attention. The appropriate posture is also necessary for successful results.
3.    At the beginning stages seem to be difficult to enforce, because student do not have material (vocabulary) which is understandable.
5.  Teaching Speaking Skill through Zip Zap Game
Zip zap game can be used as media in speaking activity in the class. It is expected that student will came into comfortable and enjoyable situation which they can actively interact with their friends using the target language without worrying making mistakes. Zip zap as method in teaching speaking English is very effective and more interested because the students will be memorized much vocabulary, and the students enjoying their material. So that using zip zap in teaching speaking will give achievement acquiring English. The purpose of this game, speaking  learning  process  does  not  mainly  find  a true answer but it makes  student have courage and little bit force to speak. There are variations that can be applied when the teacher use zip zap game:
1.    Learning first name or description each other
(a) Get the student sit on chair in a circle, there are no empty chairs (b) stand on the middle, try to attract the students’ understanding about zip zap game, point to student and say either zip or zap (c) when you say zip, the student you are pointing to says the name of the students sitting to his or her left (d) once the students get used to the game, keep the pace fast. After a while, instead to appointed student, call zip zap, now all student stands up and run to different chair (e) the student quickly finds the names of their new neighbored (f) after  three  or  four round call  zip  zap and  sit on free chair too, this  leave one  student  without chair. He or she takes over your role by pointing and saying zip or zap. Lewis and Bedson (1990, p. 23).
2.  Guessing word and letter
Get the students in a circle standing, best size is 6-12. One student start in the middle, the student in the middle is the boss, what they say goes. The winner is last person standing, the “boss” spins around pointing and saying zip-zip-zip, when they stop the person they are pointing at ducks. The two on either side have to draw and shoot or “zap” the other person. The boss calls the winner. In the ESL / EFL variation, instead of just pointing, the boss says a letter. The two students shoot each other and saying a word beginning with the latter. The loser dies and must sit down. Continue until 2 students left. Stand them back to back, they pace 3 steps and then draw. The  winner,  the last person  alive  goes  to the  middle  as  the “boss” and you  start  again. Rachel (2011, p. 40).
C. Relevant of the study
In this point, the research states about the relevant study which is possible in adding the research view on speaking ability.
The first study was conducted by Sriwati (2006/2007), entitled, The Effect of the Custom to Speak English Toward English Speaking Ability for the Third Year Student of SLTPN 1 Sukamulia in the School Year 2006/2007. This study stated three problems: (1) To what extent the will of students to adjust oneself to speak English in English speaking ability for the third year students of SLTPN 1 Sukamulia in the school year 2006/2007?; (2) To what extent is English speaking ability for the third year students of SLTPN 1 Sukamulia in the school year 2006/2007?; and (3) To what extent is the achievement level of English speaking ability for the third year of SLTPN 1 Sukamulia in the school year 2006/2007?.
The researcher used of descriptive quantitative research. The target population of the study consisted of three classes, which consisted of 95 students. The data was described by using descriptive statistics which covered maximum score determination to the minimum ideal. In this case, Ideal Mean (Mi) and Ideal Standard Deviation (SDi) were derived from the formula; Mean (M) = ½ (ideal maximum score + ideal minimum score).
The result of her research showed that the mean scores of critical value test equals to 2.851, with the degrees of freedom 400-60 at confidence level 0.05 (95%) with 1.67 and at confidence level 0.01 (99%) equal 2.39.
The second study was conducted by St. Hidayah. H. (2007/2008), entitled; The Effect of Pocket Chart Toward Students Speaking Achievement for the First Year of MTs. MU`ALLIMIN NW Pancor in the school Year 2007/2008. This study stated two problems: (1) Is there any effect of pocket chart on students speaking achievement for the first year of MTs. Mu`allimin NW pancor in the school year 2007/2008?; and (2) To what extent is the effect of pocket chart on students speaking achievement effective for the first year of MTs. Mu`allimin NW pancor in the school year 2007/2008?.
The researcher used of experimental design. The target population of the studyconsisted of six classes, which consist of 209 students. Then, the researcher used a test as her instrument. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive quantitative statistic. The result of her research showed that the mean score of pre-test and post test for the experimental group was 16.65 and 20.85, while for the control group was 14.75 and 17.55.
After comparing the relevant studies above with the present researcher study, it can be found their sameness and differences. The sameness can be seen on the dependent variable, while the differences can be seen on the design used and the subject investigated. 
D. Theoretical Framework
In teaching learning process a teacher actively can be determine of the students` successful, especially in teaching speaking because of students` ability in speaking can be developing their skill to deliver their opinions, critics, their thinking to others and improve students` communicative. Nevertheless in this skill the learners often find out many problems. Therefore, to solve the problems for the teacher must have good approaches, method and technique in presenting a material for the students.
Based on the problem above, the writer think that game is one of method can be use to develop students actively and carry out the teaching learning better, and the achievement of students will be increased especially in speaking ability. According to Hornby (1995, p. 486). The definition of game is an activity that you do to have some fun. Therefore, zip zap game can be defined as something or an instrument that is used to attract students’ motivation to follow the teaching and learning process because zip zap game can make the students more focus in learning, and they do not feel that they are forced to learn. They also enable learners to acquire new experiences within a foreign language which are not always possible during the typical lesson. Zip zap game can be a method that will give many advantages for teacher and the students either.
Based on the statement above, zip zap game is as method that may help the student in learning English especially in speaking ability. Likewise, the research wants to investigate about increasing students` speaking ability through zip zap game.
E. Action Hypothesis
The hypothesis of the result study was formulated as follows:” the implementation of zip zap game can increase students’ ability in speaking for the seventh graders of SMPN 1 Montong Gading in the school year 2013 /2014.
A. Research Design
This study was categorized into a classroom action research. Classroom action research is designed to help a teacher to find out what happened in his or her classroom, and to use that information to make the wise decisions for the future. The approach used in the classroom action research can be qualitative or quantitative, descriptive or experimental. According to Suharsimi (2002, p. 83) there are four components of action research, they are, planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Action research is categorized, as qualitative research although the data collected can be in a form of quantitative. Meanwhile, Santyasa (2007, p. 4) defines action research as a form of self- reflective inquiry undertaken by participant in a social (educational) situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own social or educational practice, their understanding of these practice, and the situation in which practices are carried out. 
The procedure of the classroom action research consisted of cycles. The cycle was administrated based on the progress achievement. To identify the students’ ability in speaking, the students were given diagnostic test functioning as initial evaluation. This initial observation is conducted in order to determine appropriate action in increasing students` speaking ability. Form evaluation and the observation, it was determined in the reflection that to increase students` speaking ability through zip zap game. The component showed cycle or the on-going activity can be seen in the figure below:
                                                          Action Research Cycle
1. Planning
Before beginning the first cycle, however at the very beginning step as the preliminary, a diagnostic evaluation was done to investigate the degree of the zip zap game in increasing students speaking ability. It was done by applying a pre test to the students. The result of pre-test was told the researcher how far the students’ ability.
The details of the research planning can be describe as follows; before implementing the determined action, the teacher was prepare all need and supportive material as well as the steps applied. They are:
a.   Making the lesson plan i, e, the step of presenting the teacher material based on the there-phase technique and the activity will be done by the students.
b.   Preparing all facilities and supportive material in presenting the teaching materials, such as; zip zap in increasing students speaking ability.
c.   Designing a test to find out the increasing students` speaking ability.
2. Acting
In implementing the action, the researcher was assisted by his collaborator. The researcher acts as the teacher who was teach how to speak by using zip zap game.
The main steps in the students and learning activity were designed as follows;
a)    Pre-activity
1)   The teacher greets the students and checks the students’ attendance.
2)   The teacher tells the students about the objective of the lesson.
3)   The teacher explains the role of the lesson.
4)   The teacher gives motivation to the students.
b)   While-activity
1)   The teacher explains the students, how to speak based on the topic (method/zip zap game)
2)   The teacher explanation how the way of speaking easily.
3)   The teacher gives an example of speaking to the students.
4)   The teacher shows one of game to the students.
5)   The students try to speak based on their word on the board.
6)   The teacher gives the chance to the students, and then the students try to practice the game.
7)   The teacher discusses it together with the students, and let them to ask question if they do not understand.
c)    Post-activity
1)   The teacher makes reflection on the students’ activities.
2)   The teacher make conclusion about how to describe someone or something by using zip zap game.
3)   Giving homework.
3. Observing
Observing the action is the process of recording and gathering all relevant data about any aspects that happened during the teaching and learning process. In classroom action research, the observation is focus on collecting whether or not the data related with the treatment activity. This observation took an important role in this research, since what happened within the process of treatment may influence the result of this research.  
4. Reflection
Reflecting is the process of analyzing data to determine how far the data collected have shown the success of the strategy in solving the problem. The result of this reflection would become the standard of determining the research achievement. The result of reflection may show whether the action was success or not, then follow planning can be planed, if the reflection result indicates that the action is success, the cycle is over, but if it is not, the next cycle must be plan with is any improvement.
B.  Setting of the Study
The setting of the study refers to the place and time to conduct the study. This study was conducted at the first semester of the seventh graders of SMPN 1 Montong Gading in the school year 2013/2014. The researcher was starts on December 2013 until January 2014.The following time table listed in detail.
Table 3.1
Time Schedule of the research

December 2013
January 2014
Research preparation

Making lesson plan

Preparing material

Writing instrument

Research action

Teaching and learning


Evaluation and reflection

Data analysis



C.  Subject of the Study
The subject of the study was the seventh graders of SMPN 1 Montong Gading in the school year of 2013/2014. The number of the students consisted of 3 classes that were VIIAwhich consisted of 27 students, VIIwhich consisted of 28 students, and VIIC which consisted of 25 students. So, the number of subject is 80 students. The present researcher took VIIA   as a subject of the study.           
D.  Data Collection
1.    Performance Indicator
The action as well as the research carried out can be said to be successful when the learning achievement of class VIIA of SMPN 1 Montong Gading in the school year of 2013/2014  is at least 70 individually and 80% classically. The percentage was decided based on the criteria of mastery learning set in the school. It can be said that if a student get 70 of learning achievement, he or she reaches the mastery learning. Then, if 80% of the students in the class get 70, means that, the class reached the mastery learning and theresearcher did not go to the next cycle, it was based on the action planned above.
2. Technique of Data Collection
A researcher was used two kinds of data collection like observation and test. The result of the data in form of quantitative since it is presented to describe result into numerical data and in form qualitative data by observing the process of teaching and learning process. The following are the techniques used to collect the data: 
1. Observation
To get the data through observation it was conducted by using check list instrument and group work learning evaluation form. It was used to monitor students` activities during teaching and learning process in the cycle I and the cycle II.
2. Test
To know the students` ability in speaking skill, the students were given the test in form of oral test. In this case the students were asked to make group and asked them to describe each other. Each student was given five minute, while the present researcher gave him/her score based of FSI criteria.
3. Instrument
In this research, the researcher used two techniques that were the data of students` achievement were gotten through speaking list; the data of learning process were gotten from observation check list.
a. Observation
Check list is an observation device comprising some names of subject and factor that is researched. The instrument was filled by putting Yes or No towards the elements of the research. It also defined as the list of data variable that were collected. Suharsimi (2006, p. 159). Field notes or check list was used to know the students` behavior and teacher`s performance in the teaching learning process. The use of field notes hopefully can help the researcher to observe the class situation.
b. Test
Test is a series of question to measure skill, knowledge, intelligent and attitude of someone or people. The test was used in research depends on the type and objective of the research its self. In the test of speaking, there were some elements that were evaluated, such as grammar, fluency and pronunciation. The score were gotten from speaking test. The components of scoring are accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Those components were evaluated by criteria of the weighting table below:
Table 3.2
The comprehensive description of the FSI procedure

Proficiency Description
·   Speech problems are severe
·   Frequently occurred many problems and a very heavy accent affects hard to understand, require frequent repetition
·   Foreign accent require necessitate concentrated and pronunciations lead to occasional misunderstanding, apparent errors in grammar or vocabulary
·   Effect of foreign accent and occasional mispronunciations which does not lead to misunderstanding
·   Has not occurred pronunciation problems, it is rather foreign accent
·   Native pronunciation, it reaches standard pronunciation
·   Grammar is almost exactly inaccurate
·   Makes frequent errors of few major patterns in which always interrupt communication
·   Makes frequent errors of certain pattern uncontrolled in which irritate communication
·   Occasionally make grammatical errors of certain patterns, but do not interrupt in communication
·   Makes a few error, with no failure of pattern
·   Makes the errors not more than two during the speech
·   Using the simplest improper vocabulary in a conversation
·   Mastering limited vocabulary in basic personal purposes (times, meal, transportation or family)
·   Choice of technical words is often inaccurately and limitedcomprehension might hinder fluent communication in social and professional topics
·   Using proper technical vocabulary in producing special interests, but excessively using general words
·   Using technical or general vocabulary  more broadly and precisely, general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situation
·   Using technical and general vocabulary apparently as accurate and extensive as that of an educated native speaker
·   Speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make the conversation impossible
·   Speech is very slow and not stable except for short sent and routine sentences
·   Speaking seems hesitant
·   Speaking is occasionally hesitant, words-grouped used is sometimes not appropriated
·   Speech is fluent and effortless but perceptibly non native in speech
·   Speech is fluent and effortless in all professional and general topics as a native speaker

·   Comprehend too little of the simplest type of speech
·   Comprehend simple speech lately, require explanation and repetitive rephrasing
·   Comprehend simple speech correctly, require explanation and considerably repetitive rephrasing
·   Comprehend quite normal speech rather correctly, occasionally require  explanation and repetitive rephrasing
·   Comprehend everything in normal educated speech, except if it is colloquial
·   Comprehend wholly in both of normal and colloquial speech to be expected of an educated native speaker

Table 3.3
Weighting table of comprehensive description of the FSI procedure

Proficiency Description






                                                                                 (Nurgiyantoro, 1995, p. 286)
The above weighting table of the comprehensive description of the FSI (Foreign Service Institute) procedure is conversed as follows:
Table 3.4
The conversion table of weighting table of the comprehension description of the FSI procedure

Total score
(From weighting table)


















Able to satisfy immediate needs using rehearsed utterances
Able to satisfy minimum courtesy requirements and maintain very simple face to face conversations on familiar topics
Can initiate and maintain predictable face to face conversation and satisfy limited social demands
Able to satisfy routine social demands and limited work requirements
Able to satisfy most work requirements with
language usage that is often, but not always,
acceptable and effective
Able to speak the language with sufficient
structural accuracy and vocabulary to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversation on practical, social and professional topics
Often able to use the language to satisfy
professional needs in a wide range of sophisticated and demanding task
Able to use the language fluently and accurately on all level normally pertinent to professional needs
Speaking proficiency is regularly superior in all respect, usually equivalent to that of a well- educated, highly articulate native speaker
             (Nurgiyantoro, 1995, p.286)    
E.  Data Analysis
1. Qualitative Data
 The qualitative data was gotten from non test data, namely observation. Observation data was analyzed to know the students` difficulty during the teaching and learning process. Analyzing was done by comparing all data, analyzing and describing non test data in order to know the students` attitude during the teaching and learning process at the first cycle to the second cycle.
2. Quantitative Data
Quantitative data was collected from the result of the students` speaking ability through zip zap game in each cycle. This data was analyzed by using descriptive statistic some steps as follows:
a.    Researcher calculated the students` score.
b.    Researcher calculated the students` mean score.
To calculate the students’ mean score, the researcher uses the following formula:
M =
M           = Mean score
      = Total of students score
N            = Total number of students                         
                                                                                    (Sugiyono, 2009, p.  49)
Meanwhile, the formula used to determine the data into high, average, and low category the following formula was used:
Mean (MI) = X (Maximum score + Minimum score)
Standard Deviation (SDI) =  X (Maximum score – Minimum score)
Mi + 1 SDi to    Mi + 3 SDi = high
Mi – 1 SDi to < Mi + 1 SDi = average
Mi – 3 SDi to < Mi – 1 SDi = low                                    
 (Nurkencana, 1996, p. 89)
c. The researcher calculatethe successful of classical completeness
To calculate the successful of classical completeness, the researcher used the formula below:             
P =  x 100%
P = The successful of learning
S = The Number of students who obtain mark ≥ 60
n = The whole number of students
(Depdikbud, 1997, p. 23)
The result of calculation of students’ score from each test was compared in each cycle. It gives the description about the presentation of increasing the students speaking ability through zip zap game.
A.  Action and Result
In this part, the researcher presents the result of the implementation of two cycles and data analysis of the achievement of the seventh graders of SMPN 1 Montong Gading in increasing students’ speaking ability through zip zap game.
1. Data Description of Cyclical Process
a. Cycle I
1. Planning
In this part, the researcher did some activities they were: 
a.       The researcher preparing the set of teaching and learning instrument.
b.      The researcher preparing the material in which is needed in teaching and learning process,
c.       The researcher preparing the observation sheet and the instrument used in action phase.
2. Acting                              
In this phase, the researcher executed according to all planning phase that had been made up. The researcher also did some steps related to learning process of zip zap game. See (activities of action phase)
3. Observing
In this phase, the researcher observed the teaching and learning process using observation check list. He also made a summary of the result of test performed on the first cycle to make reflection easier.
4. Reflecting
In this phase, the researcher examined and analyzed the result of action as the reference for further action. Also, the determined a solution of the first cycle result to increase and revise about the weakness that was poured in the next planning action.
b. Cycle II
1.    Planning
The activities were to learn the reflection of the first cycle which would be revised and improved in the second cycle and the activities that were prepared are essentially the same as the first cycle but it differed from the materials or sub concepts to teach.
2.    Acting
The steps done on action phase were essentially the same as cycle I but it needed more controlling towards what had been designed.
3.    Observing
The activities were done by overall analysis and the procedures were the same as the first cycle.

4.    Reflecting
As what had been done in the second cycle, the result of the cycle showed successful learning, so the researcher stopped the action.
2. Data Analysis
This part, the researcher describes the students’ speaking achievement data and the results of observation and reflection of each cycle.
a. Cycle I
1. Students’ Speaking Achievement Data
In this part, the students who followed the test were 27 students. In this cycle, the value of the students’ mean score and standard deviation were 66.88 and 8.67 (see appendix: 10). From the subject, there were 17 students who fulfilled the MCC (Minimum Completeness Criteria) that was ≥ 70. In other word, the percentage of students’ successful learning was 62.96 % (see appendix 08), so it had not reached yet the classical successful criterion determined, because the classical successful learning of the students must be ≥ 75%. This result denoted that the successful of learning process needed to be enriched to the second cycle. The following formula was used to analyze the data of classical successful learning:
KB =  x 100%
KB =
KB = 62.96%
2. The Result of Observation
In the observation of learning process, the researcher used check list. The activities of zip zap game were rather cooperative active but it needed to increase because the score indicated that the average students were leak of constructive participation. Also, the score of observation described that the total score were 228.5 then score percentage were 57.12% of the students cooperatively (Appendix: 15). Therefore, the activities should be enriched in the next cycle to attain a good cooperative learning.
3. Reflection
Concerning with the result of the first cycle, it pointed out that the result was still low because there were some students who did not fulfill yet the MCC (Minimum Completeness Criteria) of English subject of SMPN 1 Montong Gading and did not reached the classical completeness. It means that there would be an improvement of the second cycle to complete the curriculum standard.   
b. Cycle II
1. Students’ Speaking Achievement Data
In this cycle, the means score and standard deviation was 71.59 and 6.35 (Appendix: 11). The students who fulfilled the MCC (Minimum Completeness Criteria) were 22 students. From those students, the curriculum standard of MCC reached 81.48 %, so it can be said success because 81.48 % (see appendix 09) of the students got ≥ 70. The following formula was used to analyze the data of classical successful learning:
KB =  x 100%           
KB =
KB = 81.48 %
2. The Result of Observation
Based on the result of observation on the second cycle, the process of zip zap game increased. It can be seen from the result of observation that the score of their cooperation increased from 228.5 to be 329.5. It means 80.75% of students were learning cooperatively (Appendix 15). Therefore, zip zap game might be a good strategy to increase the learners` activeness in teaching and learning process.
3. Reflection
In this part, the data had been gotten in the second cycle increased so significant. It can be seen from the difference between cycle I and cycle II was 18.52 % that there was an improvement of the classical completeness was, successively, 62.96 % became 81.48 %. And then the mean score increased from 66.88 became 71.59 (Appendix: 08 and 09). Furthermore, the result of observation also showed an improvement from 57.12% to be 82.37% (Appendix: 15). So the result of the second cycle indicated that learning process using zip zap game can be implemented as an alternative to improve students’ speaking ability.
B.  Discussion
The result of the study should be able to answer the problems, which had been stated in the statement of the problem of this study. The problem is how can zip zap game increase students’ speaking ability for the seventh graders of SMPN 1 Montong Gadingin the school year 2013/2014? “
1. Zip zap game Can Increase Students’ Speaking Ability
In this research, the researcher used classroom action research. Based on the procedure of classroom action research, this research was done for two cycles and every cycle was given the test and observed through observation check list. From those cycles can be seen how far teaching and learning process and the students’ achievements. In those cycles, the researcher applied zip zap game to develop students’ speaking skill. Moreover, then to know the process of the learning, the researcher observed during those processes by using check list.
Table 4.1
The Score of Speaking Test Based on Proficiency Description

Elements of speaking
Students’ score on speaking ability
Cycle I
Cycle II

From the presented data, the students’ total score of the first cycle was 1806 while on the second cycle was 1933. From the elements of speaking, the students’ score of speaking test on the first to the second cycle, the researcher got the accent element increased from 59 became 70, the grammar element increased 528 became 572, the vocabulary element increased 496 became 536 and the fluency and comprehensions were, successively, 238 and 476 became 250 and 498.
Based on the data analysis in each cycle, it can be seen that from cycle I up to cycle II increased. Referring to the data in cycle I, the result of the students speaking test by referring to the comprehensive description of FSI procedure as follows: the lowest and the highest scores of students accent were 1 and 3, the students’ score of grammar, 16 was the lowest and 30 was the highest. Vocabulary score found by the researcher was 14 for the lowest category and 20 was the highest, the fluency and comprehension was 6 and 12 for the lowest category and then 10 and 19 was the highest category (Appendix: 8).
On the other hand, in the cycle II, the students’ scores based on the data were gained as follows: the lowest and the highest scores for the students accent were 2 and 3, the students’ scores of grammar were 18 for the lowest and 30 for the highest, the lowest and the highest scores of vocabulary were 16 for the lowest and 24 for the highest, for fluency and comprehension the lowest scores were 6 and 18, and for the highest scores for both aspects were 10 and 19 (Appendix: 9).
Furthermore, the scores of the students’ speaking performance of two cycles were calculated and then the scores were converted into weighting table of the comprehensive description of the FSI procedure. In cycle I, the score was 52 for the lowest, it means the students level of their speaking performance were 2 and the highest total score was 75, it means 3+ was the level of their speaking performance. And then in cycle II, it was 60 and 80 were the lowest and the highest, it means, successively, 2+ and 3+ were the level of their speaking performance. It can be deduced that there were the development of students’ proficiency in speaking ability. To make clearer, the following is a detail description.
Table: 4.2.
The Score of Speaking Test on Cycle I and Cycle II

FSI Level of Proficiency
First Cycle
Second Cycle
After the score was classified the researcher calculated the mean score and standard deviation of the entire students. In cycle I, the value of the students’ mean score were 66.88 and the percentage of the learning process was 62.96 % whereas in cycle II, the mean score was 71.59 and then the percentage of the learning process was 81.48 %. After comparing those cycles, it pointed out that there were significant differences of the students’ achievement. The achievement of English speaking skill can be seen from the students’ classical completeness of both of the cycles increased 18.52 %.
Based on the description of the mean above, the mean score of the 1  and 2 cycle were 66.88 and 71.59 (Appendixes: 8 and 9). It indicated the students’ speaking ability increased 4.71. And then the mean score of students’ speaking skill was between 43, 67 < 71, 33 (Appendix: 12). It means that the level of all students’ speaking ability was 3. It indicated most of students are “able to speak the language with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversation on practical, social and professional topics”. It denotes that students’ speaking skill is average level category. This description based on the conversion of weighting table of FSI procedure.
On the other hand, based on the presented data in each cycle, zip zap game could upgrade teacher’s strategy in teaching and learning process. The table (appendixes: 10, 11, and 12) portrayed between the teacher and students could cooperate maximally in implementing the step of zip zap game model. The result of observation also increased the students speaking ability when they were in groups. It can be observed that most of the students could upgrade their participation and activeness in zip zap game. There was an improvement of speaking ability, it can be analyzed from the total score of both cycles from 228.5 became 328.5 or the differences were 101. Also, the percentage of both cycles was 25.25 % (Appendix: 15).
It can be said that zip zap game is able to be implemented as one of the ways to increase students` activeness in teaching and learning process, especially in speaking skill.
A.  Conclusion
Based on the obtained data in the previous chapter, the present researcher comes to a set of conclusion. Zip zap game was able to increase the students’ speaking ability. It was proved that in the second cycle the students’ speaking ability was higher than the first cycle. In cycle I, it showed the mean was 66.88 and the percentage of the learning successful was 62.96%. Meanwhile, the result of cycle II gained the mean was 71.59 and the percentage of the learning process was 81.48%. Moreover, implementing zip zap game can motivate the students to be more active and contribute positive development in teaching and learning process.
B. Suggestions
Concerning to the conclusion, the present researcher would like to offer some suggestions. For the headmaster of SMPN 1 Montong Gading, he is expected to give opportunity and facilitate the English teachers to find out other media or teaching approaches, methods, and strategies in increasing the students’ English achievement. For the English teachers, they are expected to be able to choose a good strategy, method or approach to upgrade their students’ enthusiastic and motivation in English. They also should often apply the game to increase the enthusiasm of students’ learning process.
 Furthermore, for the students, they should follow the principle of game technique in learning speaking English. At last, for further researchers the present researcher expected them to be more active in conducting further research to find out more approaches, methods, and strategies in developing students’ English speaking ability.


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