reading comprehension by using communicative approach through songs and game (qualitative research)
In this chapter the writer will explain about the background of study, the scope and limitation of study, the statement of problem, the purpose of study, the significant of study.
1.1. The Background of study.
Everybody ever read, hear, see, and tell something occur around us in daily life. As the human beings who live normally, we do our activities everyday. We never just quiet without do anything because we live in this world which full by things that we can do, see, hear, feel, and touch. The examples are reading newspaper, watching television, seeing a movie, and listening to the radio. Connoly (1951: 1) states that we read because of hunger of information or amusement or solace, owning appetite for truth seems to grow by what it feed on men read to discover them selves and their world, to asses their special rules in the universe, to learn the meaning of the personal struggles in which they are engaged in other worlds, we want to share
To study reading is very important as the student of English department, because there are many advantages from study reading. By reading, we will be able to increase our knowledge on culture. If we read every rule in written English from our country, we will know what our country is like. For instance read novel from another country, we will get more knowledge about the other country with Its culture. In English Department, we study English do not only master of grammar or vocabulary but also master the culture of the target language. If we do not know about the culture, we will get difficulties to understand to communicate with a native speaker. Although, we may learn about English words through the dictionary, we still need to learn the English culture, so the communication can be understood and avoid misunderstanding.
In this modern developing age, people are demanded to facilitate the development of their knowledge in any sectors in order to be able to answer any supplicated problems related to the progress of any modern development, especially in Indonesia.
In Indonesia as developing country puts the education problem as essential and dominant points, for examples by building ns schools, adding facilities, such as new scientific books served in libraries, laboratory equipments, etc.
In line with the development of education, our government also tries hard to improve their skills by having in – service training held by the government. Here, teachers are acknowledged with communicative approach.
Communicative approach in teaching learning process is encouraged not only structure but also in reading comprehension.
To get a good achievement for English subject, students need perseverance and patience in learning it since most students regard this subject difficult, especially in Reading Comprehension with communicative approach. In this case students are demanded to have a hobby in reading and practicing communicative. That is why the teachers’ help is absolutely needed to increase their achievement
Based on the above statements, the writer held a research to know how far the ability of the eight year students of SMP Brawijaya kepung – Kediri after being taught with reading comprehension by using communicative approach through songs and game. The writer therefore chooses the little dealing with the method used in the subject above is Teaching Reading songs and games to the eight year students of SMP
The use of look-say method to improve the students’ reading comprehensio
A. Background
Language is a crucial thing in our life, which is used to convey people’s idea to the mind of the people. In Abdul Muis Ba’dulu(Franch,1958: 13) defines language as an arbitrary system of articulated sounds made use of by a group of humans as a means of carrying on the affairs of their society. Through language, we can express our feeling, willingness and ideas. We use language as key to learn science and technology such as Linguistics, Sociology, Medicines, Economics, etc. In it is proportion, English as an international language, certainly many people in the world intend to learn it, including the Indonesian people, especially students in the junior high school, senior high school, and the university. Furthermore, we should realize that we are in the technological era; certainly, we have commitment that the new technology comes
from the western countries that most of them are written in English.
Today, there a lot of information, people should know, and they should find many kinds of information sources that are written in English. Thus to get information, people should read many kinds of information. Reading is a source of getting information. No one can get much information without reading. Actually, Reading is the easiest and the cheapest way to get information, because it can help to know the simple information to the more complex one. In addition, the main important thing that the readers should have the ability to comprehend what they have read. Carrillo (1976:2) states that reading is a combination of mechanics, understanding, retention, and use. In this broadest of three views, the reader should be able not only to perform the mechanics and comprehend the meaning of the words, but to critically evaluate the ideas expressed and apply them to his or her situation.
Reading is something that must be done by all students who are studying language. Reading is considered as one of important skill, which has to be learn because it can influent the other language skills.
In reading text, students often find some difficult word that they do not know its meaning. In order to, before they translate the word, they must know or understand through comprehension so that they can describe their ideas or can give conclusion from English reading text through their comprehension.
The expand times and technology advance bring the positive impact in increasing educational in teaching and learning process, so that the teaching system always change into completing, particularly which related to their way of teaching.
It is concerned with language learning and teaching, Pressley and Block (2002) also suggested that teachers can learn by using strategy, how the strategies work and become better able to teach them to their own students by applying the strategies to their own reading. Based on Eric that one of strategy that can be use in teaching reading is a "look say" method, the method introduces rigidly selected vocabularies in progressive texts. Students memorize the appearance of words, or learn to recognize words by looking at the first and last letter. Students taught to read by the "look say" method are not taught to pronounce new words. It is known that "look say" students do not naturally learn to spell or write unless explicitly taught.
Related to the statement above, the writer is interested to do this research by using Look-Say method in teaching. This method shows us that words are pronounce before reading a text. John Amos said that not only introduced picture as helps in learning but also formally suggested this method of teaching reading. Because, besides reading the students also able to pronounce the word well that found on the text reading.
Considering the statement above, the writer would like to conduct a research under the title: “the use of look-say method to improve the students’ reading comprehension at the first grade of SMP Handayani Sungguminasa
The improving the students’ reading comprehension by using Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) strategy at the (SCHOOL)

A. Background
Nowadays, science and technology development demands people to increase their knowledge and experience. One way to increase their knowledge and experience is by reading. Reading is one-step to study effectively. Through this step, it can develop our memory, comprehension, and more knowledge for example when the people study textbook, article, short story, and even a novel. Reading can increase our science and give us knowledge information. Reading is an activity with a purpose. Someone may read for many reasons, for instance to gain information and exiting knowledge, or in order to critique a writer’s ideas or writing style.
Reading is one of the basic communicative skill, but it has very complex process. It can be said that, reading is a process in which reader finds information given by the writer in the written form. In this case,
reading can be said as an interactive process, checks, and ask questions about what the text is about. Leonard (1961) states that reading involves nothing more than correlating sound image, that is ”spelling” while Robert Karim (1980) defines that reading is as a thinking process instructing the ideas of the authors.
established to understand the meaning of word, sentences, and paragraph sense
relationship among ideas as it is. If a student just reads loudly but can’t understand
the content of the text, it means that he fails in comprehending passage. (Simanjuntak 1998:4)
The theory of comprehension assumes that effective understanding is a function of the relationship between present information and active knowledge , and that effective communication therefore depends on the degree to which listener and speakers share a common semantic “field”.(Buhler,1908). When preparing students for a reading activity, we can help them become aware of relevant prior knowledge, while we judge whether or not that knowledge is sufficient for comprehension of the text. And that point we will be able to make knowledgeable decisions about reading assignments and instruction and related concepts, (Langer, 1981:153)
Most of students in south Sulawesi find difficulties in comprehending a short story for example to identify the character of the actors and the plot of the short story, so that, learning English needs a good strategy for their students, we must try to think whether our strategy, the teachers should understand what the best strategy is suitable or not because it can give a impact to students. All the point of the object must be understood. This orientation is consistent with Buhler’s (1908) “field theory” of comprehension, which assumes that effective understanding is a function of the relationship between present information and active knowledge, and that effective communication therefore depends on the degree to which listeners and speakers share a common semantic “field”.
In teaching learning process we see that most of the teachers just use conventional teaching in the class, so I think if the teachers use a technique to the students in the teaching reading materials it can increase their reading comprehension because with technique the students can be easy to comprehend than without technique. The technique of teaching reading are very important to influence the students in success reading. A technique can help students in reading so in teaching English a teacher must use technique or methods where can help students to comprehends easy what the teacher teach to them.
A strategy that is Listen-Read-Discuss method is one of strategy can be used by the teacher in teaching. A technique can help students because learning strategy for students more effective than without a technique. Because teching by a technique the students more effective in learning. it is suitrable with that Manzo said that the listen-read-discuss method is one teaching strategy for the teacher and learning strategy for the students more active in comprehending material. (Manzo, 1985)
Based on the explanation above, the research uses L-R-D strategy to overcome the problems. The researcher is interested in applying this strategy so the research will conduct the research entitled “improving the students’ reading comprehension through Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) strategy at the (SCHOOL).
“The Effect of Using Retelling Strategy toward Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Second Year Students of SMPN 02 Tambusai Utara”. EXPERIMENTAL

1.1 Background of the Problem
Strategies refer to ways that students use to learn. This ranges from techniques for improved memory to better studying or test-taking strategies. It involves making associations between facts to be remembered and particular locations. In order to remember something, you simply visualize places and the associated facts. Some learning strategies involve changes to the design of instruction. For example, the use of questions before, during or after instruction has been shown to increase the degree of learning.
A language learning strategy is an overall plan for learning a second language, based on the
theoretical approach selected. It involves the design of a syllabus for the course, which in turn consists of learning objectives and techniques for achieving those objectives. The success of a particular method is based on a number of factors, including age, personality, budget, and the amount of time one has to spare. What works for one person might not work for another, and therefore it is worth considering each of the threetechnique set out below to determine the technique best suited to class circumstances.
Strategy is one of the importants things in learning reading. Reading is the way to understand print and graphic texts. It is used to get information, for pleasure or for interest. It is used to interact between the reader and the text. The text presents letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs that contain meaning. It is complex skills requiring many things including specification, ability, and certain skill.
Reading comprehension means perceiving a written text in order to understand its contexts. This can be done silently, (Richards, 1992:302). In addition, Kalayo and Fauzan 2007:128) stated that reading comprehension is an activity with a purpose. It is very useful for all people. It is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to review a writer’s ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read.
Reading comprehension is very important subject that should be learned by all students. It is one of the language skills to get information, for pleasure or for interest. It is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text. It is the process to understand written texts. It is a complex activity that involves both perception and thought. Reading consists of two related processes: word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to one’s spoken language. Comprehension is the process of making sense of words, sentences and connected text. Readers typically make use of background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other strategies to help them understand written text.
Reading is one of the subject that also taught in SMPN 02 Tambusai Utara. SMPN 02 Tambusai Utara on Mahato Sakti Village, Tambusai Utara, Rokan Hulu Riau Province. The English teacher implements KTSP (2006 curriculum) in the school. It was used from 2006 acdemic year to now. In the curriculum, reading is taught 2 meetings x 40 minutes in a week. It is taught relate to the syllabus, based and standard competencies.
In the syllabus, reading has at least three basic competences. The first is responding the meaning of functional short text accurately, fluently and accepting the relation to closest environment. The second is responding the meaning and step of rhetoric accurately, fluently and accepting a simple essay of closest environment in descriptive and procedure text, and the third is reading aloud that have a meaning of functional text, descriptive and procedure short essay with utterance, intonation and pressure accurately, (Depdiknas, 2006:25).
Based on the writer’s observation at the second year students of SMPN 02 Tambusai Utara, it is found the students have many problems in reading comprehension such as, the problems those come from the teacher, such as the methods or strategies that used in teaching reading. Usually, the teacher only uses translation method such as the students are ordered to read the text loudly then translate the texts into Indonesian language. This method make students bored in reading material. Finally, the students are lazy to read.
Furthermore, the problems come from students such as, the first, students always have problem to comprehend the text such as they cannot identify orientation, complication, resolution, re-orientation andevaluation. These conditions influence the students’ score in reading. The second, the students cannot read loudly by using correct pronunciation. The third, the students feel bore in reading English texts. The fourth, the students are lazy to read English texts.
The reasons of choosing this title becuase the writer wants to help the students in reading comprehension by using retelling strategy. By using retelling strategy, the writer hopes that it allows students to enjoy materials that they may not be able to read on their own. It provides an opportunity for readers to process what they have read by organizing and explaining it to others. Retelling develops students’ story grammar because they must identify crucial points and the support information. It also reinforces sequencing since it demands remembering information, events, and processes. It encourages interacting with the text from a variety of perspectives: their own, their audience’s, and the author’s.
The writer believes that this research differs from the others. The others used strategies to mprove the students’ reading comprehesnion in descriptive but in this research, the writer will use shared reading strategyto improve the students’ reading comprehension especially in narrative texts such as in identifying orientation,complication, resolution, re-orientation and evaluation and indefiying synonym or anthonym of the vocabuary in the narrative texts or pessages.
According to Slater (2004), retelling strategy is an important skill often overlooked in regular reading instruction. Students’ retellings give teachers insight into their language levels, comprehension, vocabulary, and background knowledge. Retelling improves critical thinking skills and develops understanding of story structure.This presentation will explain a developmental approach to retelling. It gives solutions to the problem of accessing age-appropriate literature, improving language skills, and increasing opportunities and skill-levels in written language.
Based on the information above it can be concluded that there are many problems found at the second year students of SMPN 02 Tambusai Utara in learning reading comprehension. The writer will try to overcome the students’ problems by using retelling strategy. However the writer is interesting to do research entitled:“The Effect of Using Retelling Strategy toward Students’ Reading Comprehension at the Second Year Students of SMPN 02 Tambusai Utara”.
“The Effect of Using Shared Reading Strategy toward Reading Comprehension of the Second Year Students at SMPN 1 Perhentian Raja”

1.1 Background of the Problem
Strategies refer to ways that students use to learn. This ranges from techniques for improved memory to better studying or test-taking strategies. It involves making associations between facts to be remembered and particular locations. In order to remember something, you simply visualize places and the associated facts. Some learning strategies involve changes to the design of instruction. For example, the use of questions before, during or after instruction has been shown to increase the degree of learning.
One of the strategies is shared reading. Shared reading is an interactive reading experience that
occurs when students join in or share the reading of a big book or other enlarged text while guided and supported by a teacher or other experienced reader. It is can be used to improve students’ reading comprehension ability. It allows students to observe an expert reading the text with fluency and expression. Through shared reading, the readers are ordered to demonstrated what they have read. In Shared reading, readers participate in reading, learn critical concepts of how print works, get the feel of learning and begin to perceive themselves as readers.
Reading comprehension is very important subject that should be learned by all students. It is one of the language skills to get information, for pleasure or for interest. It is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text. It is the process to understand written texts. It is a complex activity that involves both perception and thought. Reading consists of two related processes: word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to one’s spoken language. Comprehension is the process of making sense of words, sentences and connected text. Readers typically make use of background knowledge, vocabulary, grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other strategies to help them understand written text.
In addition, reading comprehension is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose for reading guide the reader's selection of texts
Reading comprehension is also taught in SMP N 1 Perhentian Raja. SMP N 1 Perhentian Raja is located on Hangtuah Central Street in the Hangtuah village, Kampar Regency. In the school, KTSP (Education Unit Level Curriculum) is implemented. In the KTSP, reading is taught 2 meetings x 40 minutes in a week. It is taught relate to the syllabus, based and standard competencies.
In the syllabus, reading has at least three basic competences. The first is responding the meaning of functional short text accurately, fluently and accepting the relation to closest environment. The second is responding the meaning and step of rhetoric accurately, fluently and accepting a simple essay of closest environment in descriptive and procedure text, and the third is reading aloud that have a meaning of functional text, descriptive and procedure short essay with utterance, intonation and pressure accurately, (Depdiknas, 2006:25).
Reading comprehension is one of the language skill that taught at the second year students of SMP N 1Perhentian Raja. Based on the writer observation at the second year students of SMP N 1 Perhentian Raja found that the students have many problems in reading comprehension such as, the problems those come from the teacher, such as the methods or strategies that used in teaching reading. Usually, the teacher only uses reading aloud and translation method such as the students are ordered to read the text loudly then translate the texts into Indonesian language. This method make students bored in reading material. Finally, the students are lazy to read.
Furthermore, the problems come from students are the first, they always are not able to comprehend the text such as they are not able to find main idea in the texts or pessages, they also have difficulties to identify locating reference, making inference, finding factual information and identifying supporting idea from the texts or pessages. These conditions affect the students’ score in English because reding comprehension is one of the skills that should be learned by the students when they are lerning English. Second, the students cannot read loudly by using correct pronunciation. Third, the students always feel bore when learing readingcomprehension. Fourth, the students are lazy to read English texts.
The reasons of choosing this title becuase the writer wants to help the students in reading comprehension by using shared reading strategy. By using shared reading strategy, the writer hopes that itallows students to enjoy materials that they may not be able to read on their own. It ensures that all students feel successful by providing support to the entire group. Students act as though they are reading. It also helps novice readers learn about the relationship between oral language and printed language. It also supports students as they gain awareness of symbols and print conventions, while constructing meaning from text read.
The writer believes that this research differs from the others. The others used graphic orgnizer, picture series, skimming, scanning, etc. to improve students’ reading comprehension but in this research, the writer will use shared reading strategy to improve the students’ reading comprehension especially in identifying main idea, finding supporting idea, identifying locating inference, making inference and indefiying synonym or anthonym of the vocabuary in the descriptive texts or pessages.
According to Moustafa (2002:351), shared reading is an interactive reading experience that occurs when students join in or share the reading of a big book or other enlarged text while guided and supported by a teacher or other experienced reader. Students observe an expert reading the text with fluency and expression. The text must be large enough for all the students to see clearly, so they can share in the reading of the text. It is through shared reading that the reading process and reading strategies that readers use are demonstrated. In Shared reading, children participate in reading, learn critical concepts of how print works, get the feel of learning and begin to perceive themselves as readers.
In relation to the explanation above, shared reading is a time when the entire class gathers together to share a variety of literacy experience by reading and discussing a variety of texts. Many of the text are enlarged so that all the children can see the print and pictures anf thus talk more easily about them. Furthermore, the researcher is very interested in carrying out a research entitled: “The Effect of Using Shared Reading Strategy toward Reading Comprehension of the Second Year Students at SMPN 1 Perhentian Raja”.
The Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through Keyword Method
A. Background
Nowadays, science and technology development demands people to increase their knowledge and experience. One way to increase their knowledge and experience is through reading. Reading is the effective way to get information. If someone says the book is the window of the world, we can say that reading is the eye of the world because we can know all the things through reading. Reading is one of the basic skills of English, but it has a very complex process where the reader tries to discover meaning in print page or script. Through reading one can enhance his experiences, develop new concept and increase his thinking or knowledge.
Reading is one of the basic communicative skills of English. It is an important part of English, thisis the way of gaining information from written source. Harmer (1991: 68), states that reading is useful for other
purpose; it provides good models for English writing and also provides opportunities to study language. For the reasons it will be important to make the reading activity as effective as possible.
Indonesian curriculum has put English as the essential subject to learn from elementary until university, where reading is one of English skills that the students must master. Besides that in the last examination test of each school level almost 90% of test items are reading test form where the students are asked to find out the information of text. So the teacher has to?????????????
Improving the Students Reading Comprehension through Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review (SQ3R) Method
A. Background
Language is a tool of communication to make human interaction. People communicate and interact with others using language. In some community English has become an international language. Most of the community in the whole world use English to communicate with others who have different languages. Because of that English is very important to be taught and learned by the students.
Reading skills should be thought earlier to the children in Tessero(: 2003). Reading habits can increase the students’ achievement. Most Indonesian learners are acknowledge that reading a low will support them reaching their goals of studying, but categories low for years. Many efforts have beenperformed to socialize reading as a burden for most school ages. This phenomena effects them to be creative
readers, that finally will influence their comprehension towards their achievement is categories low.
The purpose of reading in many languages is to inform ourselves about something we are interested, or to challenge certain our methods. In other words, to extend our experience of the world in which we live. A person may read to get information. He may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read (Janz: 2004). Although every student knows how to read, many have never learned good reading skills. (Royse, 2001: 127).??????????????
The Use of Scaffolded Reading Experience (SRE) Strategy to Improve the Students’ Reading Skill in Narrative Materials
A. Background
In learning English, there are four skills we must study. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The four skills mentioned are diveded into receptive and productive skills. Speaking and writing are productive skills, while listening and reading are receptive skills. Beside the four language skills above, reading is of great importance to student show mother tongue is not English, because they almost do not have oppurtunity to hear or to speak that language. Comprehending English is a difficult thing for students if they are do not have basic knowledge, especially in comprehending reading text.
Reading, which belongs to receptive skill, can be defined as a process whereby one looks at and understands what has been written (Williams, 1999: 2). It means that, when someone reads, he looks atsomething written and tries to get the meaning to understand it. Reading can also be described as a mental or
cognitive process which involves a reader in trying to follow and respond to a message from a writer, who is in distant space and time (Davies, 1973: 1). It means that reading activity connects the reader and the writer although they are in different time and place.
In teaching reading, teacher should introduce other materials as an alternative to give various situations to student in classroom process. These materials can be a media; it can be create a comfortable atsmosphere interest and to stimulate the students’ motivation during the classroom process. In the other hand, most high motivation is needed to learn reading.They should have an effective.
According to the researcher's observation from diagnostic test the students' reading skill of the second years SMP PGRI 2 Takalar was still low with mean score 55. They still had difficulties in understanding the text. The texts which were taught in the second years of Junior High School were descriptive, news item, and narrative. Based on the observation in the classroom and the interview with the teacher and the students, the researcher found that they had difficulties in narrative text. They had difficulties in understanding the characteristics of the text including the social function, generic structure, and language feature. The generic structure includes finding detail information and determining the parts of the text. While, the language feature includes vocabulary, finding references, and understanding the tenses.
From the problems above the researcher will apply one of teaching strategy. This is an interesting strategy and it can increase the student’s reading ability namely Scaffolded Reading Experience (SRE) Strategy to improve the students’ narrative read skill. This strategy is designed to create the students’with target score is 75
The Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension By Using Authentic Materials
A. Background
In learning English, there are four skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The four skills mentioned are diveded into receptive and productive skills. Speaking and writing are productive skills, while listening and reading are receptive skills. Beside the four language skills above, reading is of great importance to students show mother tongue is not English, because they almost do not have opportunity to hear or to speak that language. Comprehending English is a difficult thing for students if they do not have basic knowledge , especially in comprehending reading text.
In teaching reading, teacher should introduce other materials as an alternative to give various situations to students in classroom process. These materials can be a media; it can be to stimulate the
students’ motivation during the classroom process. In the other hand, most high motivation is needed to learn reading.
Related to the statements above, the researcher did observation that was done at the first year students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bontoala, the researcher faces many problems in teaching learning English. The crucial problems are the students’ problems in reading is the students’ comprehension. The problems are; first,the students are bored to read a text because it is not interesting. Second, the students have limited vocabulary so they are difficult to understand the reading text. Thirdly, the students do not know the structure of sentence, it makes the students to work hard to translate the word in sentence of the text
Based on the result interview to the English teacher at the first year students of SMKMuhammadiyah 2 Bontoala Makassar, he stated that the mean score of the students’ achievement in reading English is very low. It is about 5.7 but the standard of curriculum 6.5 and the target score is 7.5.
From the problems above the researcher will apply one of teaching strategy. This is an interesting strategy and it can increase the student’s reading ability, namely authentic material. This strategy is designed to create the students’ reading comprehension.
Authentic material are interesting material taken from magazine, newspaper, brochure and other teacher resources that are not specially prepared for pedagogical purpose. The material can be challenging and interesting for the students where it is inline nowdays, many students are keen authentic materials. Therefore, the English teachers can use it in teaching process.
According to Smith & Johnson (1994:157) authentic material is any kind of material that taken from the real world not especially created for the purpose of language teaching. This might include language based on reality such as magazine, advertisement, newspaper or graphics and visual sources such as maps, pictures, symbols and charts.
Relating to the case above, the writer conducted a research under the title : ” Improving the students’ reading??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
The improving the students’ reading comprehension through story mapping strategy
A. Background
English consists of four language skills; they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Learning a foreign language in Indonesia is expected to help the students to master these skills. In relation to these skills, the researcher emphasized her attention to the reading skill
The students of English Department are very important to study reading, because there are many advantages from studying reading. By reading, the students will be able to increase their knowledge on culture. If the students read every rule in written English from our country, the students will get more knowledge about the other country with its culture. In English Department, the students study English do not only master of grammar or vocabulary but also master the culture of the target language. If the students do
not know about the culture, the students will get difficulties to understand to communicate with a native speaker. Although, the students may learn about English words through the dictionary, the students still need to learn the English culture, so the communication can be understood and avoid misunderstanding.
Through reading, people can improve their own knowledge which ensures the continuing personal growth and adapts the change in the word. Harvey (1998: 2) argues that the purpose or reading in language is to inform ourselves about something we are interested in, or challenge our knowledge on certain matters. In other words, to extend experience of the world in which we live
Reading has always received the greatest emphasis in teaching English. There are some reasons for this. Firstly, reading takes an important role in learning process. Reading skill is an instrument that can facilitate students to enrich their knowledge. Secondly, reading is important not only because it can give a lot of information but also pleasure and joy. In senior high school level, students face some problems in reading. Most of the students found difficulties in comprehending text, especially narrative text. Based on the researcher's observation, the major problem faced by them is how to comprehend the elements of the story. To overcome the problems, a story mapping strategy is proposed to be applied in teaching reading. The technique is chosen because it is simple and considered suitable for students in the senior high school level. To comprehend the elements of the story the students are assigned to make a story map based on the story given.
The researcher wants to discuss one of the many problems connected with English learning. English learning problems can take place both at home and at school. The teacher and the students are different, and therefore, the teacher might find different motivations for learning as well. At school, the problems may appear when the class consists of a big number of students. The noisy class does not only disturb the students who really want to study, but also influence the students’ concentration to the subject given in class. The condition like this can make the students feel bored and do not like to study. At home, the problems may appear when the student recalls the subjects from school and they still do not understand the lesson and none of the people at home can help them. If this condition continues the students will feel very bored and not interested in studying English. In this case the teacher’s role is very important, that is to encourage them to study harder and better.
In addition, students’ problems are not only from the classroom environment but also from the students themselves. The reality the teacher often sees is that, in fact, many students master the theory better than practice. For example, in speaking, the student may have the knowledge of how to speak, but in practice the student find difficulties. The student lack self confidence. To build their confidence, students need more practice so that teachers are suggested to create and???
The improving the students Reading Comprehension through Herringbone Technique
A. Background
Now days, the progress of knowledge, science and technology required us to absorb information. Information is merely the most important aspect of our life. Book, magazine, newspaper, bulletin, internet i.e. are source of information we can get if only through reading. Thus, we must read thousands of books to avoid ourselves from out of date.
Reading is one of the most important skills we need in increasing our personal welfare and social progress. It is cannot be denied that language is an integral part of human life and society. It is used to communication. In order to express argument or opinion to one another. Without language we cannot develop our education, society tradition and culture, spread global information etc. Shortly, we cannot do
anything without using the language. (Rani Nur 2003:4).
In our education system, specially in English teaching. It has made the mastery of all language skills. English as an international language in Indonesia is the first foreign language tough from elementary school up to university. This proves that English subject is important for the Indonesia students.
In teaching English as foreign language. It is necessary to note that there are four skills to be mastered which cover, reading, speaking, listening and writing. Among the four skills, reading gets greather attention to analyze than other. As De Boer (1982: 166) states that “one of the best important ways of learning however is through reading, success in school and in life depends in large pat on your ability read”.
In general, people intend to be able to read and understand English text because many scientific books are written in English. Until now, most of the students still encounter difficulties in reading. This problem faced by many lecturer and students who are not fluent in English. One of the difficulties encountered by the students is how to remember what they have read. But rapid reading is not necessarily good reading. It is important to realize that we need to vary reading rate according to our intention in reading and the students cannot find main idea what they after read.
Using Herringbone technique is one of the most important technique to improve the reading comprehension. Because some technique have used in teaching learning process in teaching English. But sometime with method not fine development for student and seldom not be success. Therefore the writer want to use this technique t...................................................................................
The Use of Explicit Teaching Strategy To Increase The Students’ Reading Comprehension (Action Research)
A. Background
Reading is one of English skill to be mastered listening, speaking and writing. The purposes of reading such as to gain information, the learn subject matter, for enjoyment, academic purpose and prepare test purpose. To achieve those skills, the students find difficulties in get the message that extended by the writer and summarize the content of the reading text.
The first problem is the students found difficult to understand the content of the text. In comprehend the reading of the text, the students have to able established the main idea and detail information. The main idea is the most general ideas in the paragraph while detail information is supporting of the ideas in the
paragraph. When the students gain know about them, they have to understand how a text organized because to comprehend the written words the students must able to understand what the writer has to structure of organized the ideas and information presented in the text and relate the ideas and information presented in the text, and relate the ideas and information from text to ideas information stored in his or her mind.
The second problem is how the students can make a summary about the content of the text. In understand of the text, summary is one of the fast way in get the writers’ idea. All of theinformation in the summary will be contained in the reading text, although the words used will be different. Through summary, the students will get a good understanding of the overall meaning and main points of the section summarized.
Base on the observation which has been done in SMPN 2 Bua Ponrang Kabupate Luwu, especially for class VIII A. The researcher gave diagnostic and found the result is very poor in reading comprehension. According to the result of test, there are 30 students in the class, 9 students get the score 6.0 – 7.5 and 21 students get the score < 60. The research wants to changed of score based on the KKM is 65, and the target of the researcher is score 75.
The researcher conclude that in class VIII A is has problem in reading comprehension. In solved that problem, the research tries to use strategy in teaching reading material to comprehend the text. According to Michael Pressley in B. Fatmawati (2011:1) strategy is something using by the students to analyze the learning problem. So that, Strategies is very important in gets success of learning process in the classroom.
In this case, the research will use of explicit teaching strategy. The Explicit teaching is one of strategy can be used by the teacher in the classroom where it makes the students to active in learning process because the teacher knows what the students needed . According to Cristine Edwards, Groves (1998) explicit teaching is calls for teacher knowing how the social dimension of classroom life (through the context of classroom interaction). This strategy is using to gets skill because it is talk about classroom lesson specially in reading comprehension. Ludwig, Gunn inCristine (1995) said that the effective classroom interaction leads and successful learning when it is explicit and student-centered????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension through Context Clues Strategy” A Classroom Action Research
A. Background
In this information era, science and technology development demands people to improve their knowledge and experience. One way to improve their knowledge and experience was through reading. Reading is the effective way to get information. If someone said the book was the window of the world, we can say that reading is the eye of the world because we can know all the things through reading. Reading is one of the basic skills of English, but it has a very complex process where the reader tries to discover meaning in print page or script. Through reading one can enhance his experiences, develop new concept and improve his thinking or knowledge.
Reading is the third of the four basic language skills, they are: listening, speaking, reading and writing
that must be mastered in language learning and language skill that palys an important role in teaching. Reading comprehension is knowledge understood after reading. It is an active thinking procces with that notonly depend on skill but also on students’ experience and prior knowledge which involved understanding of vocabulary to know the meaning of reading, to relationship among words and to concept organizing ideas, torecognize the student’s purpose in making judgment, and to do evaluation. It is taught in integration with the other language skills. As one of the language skill, reading received more emphasis than the other, it is given the first priority. Based on the observation diagnostics text which had been done in SMP Negeri 25 Cenrana Kabupaten Maros , especially for class VIII B still poor in comprehending a reading text. They felt difficult to understand the reading text and they did not have a sufficient reading skill to understand the entire text given, as value of observation in the classroom the students’ have scores 5.05, this score was as a poor category. In this research the aim was to solve this problem until the students had good score, while the standard curriculum is 65.
Furthermore, comprehension is a really important either in reading and other skills. The ability of someone to comprehend closely related to background knowledge. Coady (1981: 3) states that the interest and background knowledge would enable the students to comprehend at reasonable rate and keep him involved in the spite of synthetic difficulty.
In SMP Negeri 25 Cenrana, based on observation, those problems were caused by the lack of reading comprehension strategies. As Thompson (1993:2) states, problem in comprehension could be a result of the lack of instruction time assessing reading at the word and sentences levels rather teaching referential or inferential comprehension.
From that case, the teacher should have interesting method or strategy in reading class. There are many strategies can be used to improve reading comprehension. Here, the researcher would use Context Clues Strategy todevelope the students’ reading comprehension of the text read. The researcher hopes this strategy will be an interesting and attractive strategy in learning especially in reading class. Context Clues Strategy can help the students master in reading comprehension which is bit of information from the text, by combining prior knowledge, allow the students to decide the meaning of unknown word in the story, or article that they read. It is also useful to guide the students to figure out the meaning of a word from the context. Beside that the context clues would behelpful to motivate the students to improve reading comprehension when it was applied because it presented very simple instruction that can be easy??????????????????????
The use of RAFT (Role Audience, Format, Topic) strategy in learning and teaching reading
A. Background
English is an international tool of communication. It is used to communicate with each other by people from different countries all over the world. English plays an important role because it is a tool of communication in all aspects in most of the part of the world, whether in social in interaction, science technology, politics, economics, cultural, and education.
It is intended to enable the students to communicate and express their ideas in English and have a good command in reading comprehend text book and information written in English for the shake of national development in the field of education.
In learning English there are four skills that should be mastered by the students, they are listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. These skills always become the target of the final learning objectives. In other words, the four language skills are the result of a long process of learning; they are the application of the knowledge of language that the learners get during process.
Reading is one important aspect in learning English. Reading itself is complex and complicated process because it involves the internal and external factors of students. The internal factors are everything from the students which can be taught; as a result of an interaction in reading process external factors are all the factors from outside of the students (Nunan, in Ilvirah, 2010:2).
Mc Worther, in Ilvirah (2010:2) says that reading is an active process of identifying important ideas, comparing, evaluating and applying them; therefore in reading paragraph we have to try to comprehend. Without comprehending the paragraph, it will be very difficult to understand what we have read or what the writer means in reading material.
In relation to the condition of the teaching of English reading comprehension faced by secondary school students. The students, who come to English classes, should be given sufficient opportunities to use their knowledge of language.
Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested to observe the RAFT (Role Audience, Format, Topic) strategy in learning and teaching, because it offers students a creative outlet for demonstrating understanding (Santa, 1988:10) it is flexible..................................
improving the students’ reading comprehension through Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) strategy
A. Background
Nowadays, science and technology development demands people to increase their knowledge and experience. One way to increase their knowledge and experience is by reading. Reading is one-step to study effectively. Through this step, it can develop our memory, comprehension, and more knowledge for example when the people study textbook, article, short story, and even a novel. Reading can increase our science and give us knowledge information. Reading is an activity with a purpose. Someone may read for many reasons, for instance to gain information and exiting knowledge, or in order to critique a writer’s ideas or writing style.
Reading is one of the basic communicative skill, but it has very complex process. It can be said that, reading is a process in which reader finds information given by the writer in the written form. In this case,
reading can be said as an interactive process, checks, and ask questions about what the text is about. Leonard (1961) states that reading involves nothing more than correlating sound image, that is ”spelling” while Robert Karim (1980) defines that reading is as a process instructing the ideas of the authors.
Reading comprehension is not just reading with a loud voice but reading is established to understand the meaning of word, sentences, and paragraph sense relationship among ideas as it is. If a student just reads loudly but can’t understand the content of the text, it means that he fails in comprehending passage. (Simanjuntak 1998:4)
The theory of comprehension assumes that effective understanding is a function of the relationship between present information and active knowledge , and that effective communication therefore depends on the degree to which listener and speakers share a common semantic “field”.(Buhler,1908). When preparing students for a reading activity, we can help them become aware of relevant prior knowledge, while we judge whether or not that knowledge is sufficient for comprehension of the text. And that point we will be able to make knowledgeable decisions about reading assignments and instruction and related concepts, (Langer, 1981:153)
Most of students in south Sulawesi find difficulties in comprehending a short story for example to identify the character of the actors and the plot of the short story, so that, learning English needs a good strategy for their students, we must try to think whether our strategy, the teachers should understand what the best strategy is suitable or not because it can give a impact to students. All the point of the object must be understood. This orientation is consistent with Buhler’s (1908) “field theory” of comprehension, which assumes that effective understanding is a function of the relationship between present information and active knowledge, and that effective communication therefore depends on the degree to which listeners and speakers share a common semantic “field”.
In teaching learning process we see that most of the teachers just use conventional teaching in the class, so I think if the teachers use a technique to the students in the teaching reading materials it can increase their reading comprehension because with technique the students can be easy to comprehend than without technique. The technique of teaching reading are very important to influence the students in success reading. A technique can help students in reading so in teaching English a teacher must use technique or methods where can help students to comprehends easy what the teacher teach to them.
A strategy that is Listen-Read-Discuss method is one of strategy can be used by the teacher in teaching. A technique can help students because learning strategy for students more effective than without a technique. Because teching by a technique the students more effective in learning. it is suitrable with that Manzo said that the listen-read-discuss method is one teaching strategy for the teacher and learning strategy for the students more active in comprehending material. (Manzo, 1985)
Based on the explanation above, the research uses L-R-D strategy to overcome the problems. The researcher is interested in applying this ???????????.
the implementation of Sentence Component Identification Strategy to improve the students’ ability to analyze a simple English text to be translated into Indonesian at the eighth grade of (CAR)
English as a global language has been used by more than a half population in the world. Besides language as a role of knowledge, technology and art, English can be used as a tool for trading – economy, international connection, social cultural, and education and carrier development goals.
The English competence has become an important requirement in gaining succees for individual, society, and Indonesian nation in answering the challenging of global period. In getting English competence through a great deal program, the school is viewed as as the first-rate medium by Indonesian children.
Our experience education in teaching course is far from what we desire. Most of graduates from
senior high school has not able to communicate in English because of many cases. To overcame this, it needs many resources in teaching approach. Translating is one of many approaches in teaching- learning activities.
Vocabulary is an important element of language that must be mastered by the students because their ability to read and comprehend English writing, speaking, reading and listening is partly determined by their vocabulary. One of the techniques for building up the student’s vocabulary is translating approach.
Interpreting is a type of translation, often called oral translation, which refers to oral communication situation in which one person speaks in the source language, and interpreter processes this input and produces output in a second language and a third, person listens to the target language version. D. Saleskovich says that:
“Translating is considered as an endeavor to establish linguistic equivalents, whereas interpreting aims at integral communication of meaning. ” (Brislin, Ed. ; 1969: 92)
Translating is really a language skill, which is quite different from all the skills, because it is a spesialized skill, which demands the ability to switch one language code to another.It neither develops nor demonstrates the basic skills of listening, speaking and writing.
From the explanation above, the writer assumes that the necessity of translating skill in learning English especially to enchance the students vocabulary. So that they will have an opportunity during the teaching and learning process in the classroom, even in communicating with another people in English.
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